After Chapter 233...

Nishikadochan April 25, 2021 3:33 pm

If Bluepool ends up liking Bella, I'm going to die. But I could totally see that happening. She has blue hair and blue eyes. I can totally see him liking that. Plus, we need to do something with him, and I don't particularly see him becoming one of Bai's mates. He has a long way to go before he's on par with Curtis and Parker. Winston and Muir are both way more badass than Bluepool too. It's kinda like, psshh, get in line fish boy.

I do want to give him credit for being willing to get exiled from his tribe for her sake... but he wasn't willing to do so without the promise of getting to mate with her. So he loses points for that. I think I even like Alva better than him.

    MysticWolf3L April 26, 2021 4:32 am

    Oh he’s not going to fall for her, trust me he gets a better spouse someone not yet introduced to the story

    Sayhi April 29, 2021 10:33 am
    Oh he’s not going to fall for her, trust me he gets a better spouse someone not yet introduced to the story MysticWolf3L

    I got spoiled so I already which sucks