am i crazy for feeling empathy for rashta? like she was a kunt but she lite...
so much misunderstandings
Can anyone tell me which chapter was it when navier saw Henry flying as a b...
I never understood why men in manhwas feel the need to get off immediately ...
1) go priest bein like "wtf bro"
2) I hope trashtas fake parents turn on her once she's "empress" and humiliate both her and dickhead
3) can't wait to see lovely Mc marry lovely ML
4) i love how old kings an shit would blame women for the kid not coming out with a penis when in fact most males determined the penis no penis factor. Same thing with how they assumed it was always the woman being infertile not them... Bitch yu shooting, but you only full of blanks.
5) it would be goddamn hilarious if trashy mc tash trash junior wasn't even trashta's kid.