Seems more like he's just desperate because he seems to have gone through some kind of trauma as a child related to his power going wild and destroying things. I think he wants to be with the uke because he thinks this is perhaps the only person who will understand him which I think is what a lot of people want.
He seems to have issues controlling his power sometimes but I doubt he's going to hurt the uke.

Okayyy *Inhale*
Well he’s really messed up by his family....and didn’t know how to like express his feelings, the uke has the friend who knows about his powers and uses him to hypnotize his parents every year, and that friend is not so good, so friend finds out the uke and seme are together friend tries to break them apart, uke believes friend which isn’t that wrong cause he told the uke the seme has powers too, uke finds out is heartbroken, now this is where everything goes to shit...instead of seme to explain and communicate seme acts like a total jerk and instead of uke to be patient and try to understand why seme didn’t tell him he gets wrecked (honestly when you read it you’ll pick who’s fault
It is but left to me they both could have handled it better especially the seme ohhhh seme was such a jerk mehnnn, scratch that seme could have done better it was seme’s fault full stop) they have an argument and uke hypnotizes seme to leave his apartment and then stares into a mirror and hypnotize himself to forget about seme while
Stupid, jerk but poor seme is literally running mad with grief....like literally running mental...seme even ends up in the hospital and uke doesn’t even remember who seme is...Exhale that’s where I stopped

Yeah and that’s why the uke didn’t understand and the seme didn’t say so like....it was just messed up but they could have handled it better than they did especially the seme, but I can’t fault him that much he genuinely thought the uke was the one for him and just wanted to hide for a while which I didn’t approve, beneath that his all brawn and handsome devilish sus man he’s really really messed up and fragile ughh it’s annoying cause I’m like y’all should just talk that’s all just TALK!!!!! Calmly actually cause they did talk but it didn’t get them anywhere

I tell you
Like I just feel it was a bit too extreme and heartbreaking when all they could have done is talk about it from the beginning...the seme is very twisted like in a very fragile sense, he can’t trust easily and is just....broken mehnn and the uke really truly loves him but I can understand why he was that hurt by the seme and the idiot seme should have just begged and talked about it not act like a stupid jerk
Honestly it’s a story I would want to read again, since I have tasted what a healthy wonderful story can my palette for over dramatic angst has died down

ikr but in stories like this, it's mostly like the talk will really not go well to create more drama..... but most of the times i just want them to sort things out and just talk more sense into each other so that they can resolve their problems quickly arrrrggghhhh. i just hope that they can work things out and just get all drama out of their system
I feel like the seme is only using him bc he has powers like him poor uke :(