Question here???!!!

D-PARKERS April 25, 2021 7:00 am

Is (SKIN ) Manga has been dropped ?
Its been 2016 since it last update I hope someone will pick it up.

    Gloomy April 26, 2021 4:35 am

    yeah since it's been 4 almost 5 years

    D-PARKERS April 26, 2021 5:06 am

    ( ̄へ ̄)I hope someone will pick it up
    Its look so interesting .

    Gloomy April 26, 2021 5:13 am

    There's many things I want to be picked up too. But some translators get mad after someone else starts uploading despite them not uploading for 6+ months

    Gloomy April 26, 2021 5:13 am

    Which is bullshit

    brittanypage43 May 2, 2021 7:40 am
    Which is bullshit Gloomy

    Do you translate?

    Gloomy May 2, 2021 7:49 am
    Do you translate? brittanypage43

    I do but only for myself coz I'm not professional or anything lol

    brittanypage43 May 2, 2021 8:10 am
    I do but only for myself coz I'm not professional or anything lol Gloomy

    Would you be interested in finishing a series with me?

    Gloomy May 2, 2021 8:14 am
    Would you be interested in finishing a series with me? brittanypage43

    Skin? Idk if I could. I'm very midocire and only speak english. I'm thinking about learning korean and japanese though. I'm sorry I'm not much help

    Gloomy May 2, 2021 8:17 am
    Would you be interested in finishing a series with me? brittanypage43

    What do u do, translator, proofreader, cleaning, typesetting?

    brittanypage43 May 2, 2021 2:14 pm
    What do u do, translator, proofreader, cleaning, typesetting? Gloomy

    I was translating a series but Korean is my third language and only learned it to communicate with my husband's parents (they're Korean) so I was running into problems with understanding idioms and expressions as I'm not familiar with the culture. But yes, I do everything else.

    Gloomy May 2, 2021 11:59 pm
    I was translating a series but Korean is my third language and only learned it to communicate with my husband's parents (they're Korean) so I was running into problems with understanding idioms and expressions ... brittanypage43

    Then ur way experienced than me already lol. Sorry I'm not much help. U can try asking around on here for help to finish the series, I'm sure u will get some people to answer u and work together