In spanish H is silent and J and G make sorta "h" sounds but they're differente.
And words J is making H sounds: juez, jalapeño, japonés. But the H from english (like Home) doesn't exist in spanish, the J or G sound in spanish is "harsher" then the Ho(me) sound in english.And what's weirder is that the J and G sound are different from H sounds from english only in Spanish spanish ( spoken in Spain(europe), except Andalucía). I'm missing all the sociolinguistical terminology but I think I explained it alright :'v
ooh I see! yup, the english H sound doesn't exist in spanish at all. It also makes it easier to read japanese, since romaji is pronounced as you would in spanish
since spanish was my first language I never looked at it that way! I compared english to spanish but never spanish to english haha thanks!!
jajaja sii, en clases de japones nos decian que la j la trataramos como la j en ingles, pero para nosotros seria mas parecido al sonido de la y
romaji se le llama a cuando escribes japones con el abecedario romano/latino (el nuestro). el japones se puede escribir con: kanji, hiragana (silabario), katakana (tambien silabario) y romaji. tecnicamente romaji esta escrito en romaji jajaj
How do you guys pronounce Arjen's name?
Ar-jen or Ar-hen (as in j as h)?