rabib April 25, 2021 5:03 am


    bluesky April 25, 2021 8:55 am

    Hmm, I can give you a little bit of spoiler. I haven't read too far in yet, since it is kind of a difficult read & I'd rather wait for the translation to come out, lol. Also, I might misunderstand some things, coz, like I said, it's pretty difficulty. But, here goes...

    So, up to this point, we know the real father successfully carried on the coup d'etat & got the throne. Yeohye is basically now a prisoner inside the palace. She wants to leave ofc, hates the real father so much & wants nothing to do w him. But the father won't let her go, since she's basically now like a pawn for him. Poor girl is haunted by nightmares every time she falls asleep which causes her to thrash around & hurt herself, & she can't eat properly, pretty much suffering from ptsd due to witnessing her family's massacre. Pretty soon, the father forces her to marry Gyo yeon, the childhood friend who murdered her entire family, for his own political reasons. She is furious ofc, threatens to commit suicide & stuff, not that it changes anything. So she planned to escape, but got caught. The father is mad as hell & blames it all on Gyo Yeon. So he orders him to stay close to her so he can keep an eye on her. And then Yeohye gets an unexpected visit from her maternal grandpa, who then tells her the story of her father, mother, & uncle. Here, we'll get a flashback of their younger days. I think there was a bit of misunderstanding b/w the 2 brothers. They were not entirely on bad terms in the beginning. But you know how it is w/ court politics, there are people who were loyal to the uncle & were extremely paranoid of the father, fearing he might try to hurt the uncle for power. So, it was a tense but amicable relationship. Until 1 day, when the 2 went out on a hunting trip, someone shot an arrow, wounding the uncle. He suspected his older brother tried to kill him. It was at this point their relationship fractured beyond repair. Also, the father caught a glimpse of yeohye's mom while she was accompanying the princess & got interested in her. He eventually got to marry her. It was political marriage ofc, she didn't like him. His younger brother married his own bride, & soon they were blessed w a son who had a shot at the succession line. The father wasn't so lucky, coz the mom miscarried twice. Rumors spread that she intentionally miscarried. And she did not try to deny it. I only read up to this point, but based on what i saw, yeohye's mom then got pregnant w yeohye. When she was about to give birth, the father then got into trouble w the king, was arrested, & punished into exile. Before leaving, he met up w his wife, & not sure what happened, but he was violent w her & accused her of ruining his life. After being roughed up, she carried yeohye & ran to the palace to see the uncle. She then gave yeohye to the uncle. Then she committed suicide. At this point, the father was already in exile & got the news through letters.
    Ugh, I typed so long already, & this is only up to around ch 20, & mostly about flashback... Anyhow, the plot is very complex, & as you can tell, the uncle did not kidnap yeohye as Gyo Yeon had said. There were so many hidden truths that poison the relation b/w Yeohye & Gyo Yeon. Btw, Gyo Yeon isn't an evil man, I got a feeling he is just.. yet another pawn in the imperial court. Love does exist b/w the 2. But hatred inevitably taints that love. This story does get dark & heavy at times, since it's aimed at mature audience. overall, quite interesting & unique, I bet there aren't many that are similar to this one. So, it may worth your while to keep reading on. Hopefully someone else can provide more spoilers as I'm not that good at reading & understanding the raws...

    rabib April 25, 2021 4:59 pm

    Wow thank you so much

    littlewolf1022 May 22, 2021 5:39 am
    Hmm, I can give you a little bit of spoiler. I haven't read too far in yet, since it is kind of a difficult read & I'd rather wait for the translation to come out, lol. Also, I might misunderstand some thin... bluesky

    Gawd thanks. I knew the uncle wasnt a bad guy. I mean what kind of guy would spend his precious time with his niece and pretend to be his father?