I hate it when ppl act weak & doesn't fight for themselves just coz someone said it's ...

Dyna April 24, 2021 12:31 pm

I hate it when ppl act weak & doesn't fight for themselves just coz someone said it's all their fault that something happened when clearly it's not. Wake up chloe..how is that your fault. You're just a kid back then plus that dude is clearly the killer & the cause of all this. Wtf you're doing blaming yourself for. You're just wasting ppl's time & energy to rescue you when you can escape youself/ at least fight that dude

    1banana2potato May 14, 2021 12:33 pm

    It's just that, that's how this kinds of story portrait their damsel in distress a weak and pitiful damsel that needs the prince charmings saving