The Queen was actually brought up in an near-identical environment to how Pryde was raised, actually. Though Pryde actually has a familial relationship with a parent, receives constant reassurances that she is loved by both parents (which she believes! Pryde never doubts this point!), and isn't the target of constant emotional abuse by an authority figure. That said, the Queen was never the target of bad rumors as a child the way Pryde was. (Still, Rosa was basically a robot until she got engaged at sixteen to Pryde's father, okay. There is a reason she shuts down after her husband dies. Rosa is NOT equipped to teach empathy, which is the ONLY lesson that might have aided Game Pryde...probably.)
Anyway, this is often misunderstood, so here is an explanation about the precognitive special ability in this novel.
In Freesia there are three kinds of visions of the future that the Monarch and heir see.
- Vanishing Futures, which show up in the story as dreams about the original game, which are immediately forgotten upon waking.
- Alterable Futures, which are supposedly uncommon but show up in the novel most often. These are futures that can be altered, but the main points usually stay the same.
- Unavoidable Futures, which are most common but have only come up once so far in the novel.
(Some spoilers for the first 20 chapters of the novel...which covers the first 5 chapters of the manga. The novel gives us a few more lines detailing the world that the manga just doesn't have the pages for.)
It is impossible to mistake Alterable and Unavoidable Future visions for each other. Not only is the person unconsciously resistant to believing that the Unavoidable Future can be changed, but sometimes Unavoidable Future visions are seen more than once...and the Queen has been seeing this particular vision since Pryde was one year old (and she generally has several visions a month--so she sees the Pryde vision, at minimum, three times a year--so she's seen it at least 21 times). She is also not the only one who has foreseen this event.
Furthermore, the Queen is naturally predisposed to foreseeing Unavoidable Futures, and has in the past tried and failed numerous times to avoid tragedies she's foreseen. Assassination-level tragedies. Of which she had much more detail about to prevent than "raise my daughter right."
So being able to see the future isn't the automatic win you might think, believe me.

Thankyou for elightening meh (=・ω・=) it's just that I really felt bad for ze princess... to think that her mother really just gave her up and continue to ze 2nd daughter but I now understand it... also when u said that the empress is not the only one who sees it does it have connection when that long haired guy *the one with pops* when he sees pryde being evil? I'm quite confused if its that guy's vision or pryde's...

Wow, that is a HUGE mistake! I forgot that this wasn't covered in the manga as well. It literally comes up in the first chapter of the novel.
Precognition is a special ability limited to the Royal Family bloodline, and only appears once in a generation. (Not counting Pryde and Tiara, who are special cases in that they both have this ability.) The precognitive ability is treated as a Sign of the Future Monarch, so if the current monarch has several children, the one with precognition is automatically made heir. There have been generations where none have precognition, though, so it's not an absolute requirement. But it's why Pryde was made heir despite the Queen's reluctance.
One of the other people who foresaw this vision can be considered a spoiler.
Although it is strongly implied (by her never questioning her fate or attempting to save herself, treating it as a lost cause), it isn't outright confirmed until late in Part One of the novel that Pryde also saw that vision. It got covered up because she got her past life memories at the same time, so it got mistaken as her just remembering the ending of the game. However, she foresaw it (and the vision triggered her remembering her past life).
Game Pryde also foresaw it, which is actually what drove her over the edge in the game. (She spent her whole life preparing to be Queen, was raised believing it was her only reason for being born, and then her first vision showed her the entire kingdom celebrating her death...and while she was still in shock over that, her father dies in a carriage accident and she just gives up.) That's why Pryde learning empathy only MIGHT have saved her. She was truly broken.

Regarding the long-haired guy with Pryde's father...his name is Gilbert. He's the Chancellor (or I think the manga translated it as Prime Minister?), which here makes him Pryde's father's assistant (like the Regent/Pryde's uncle is the Queen's assistant).
His story arc is covered starting from chapter 11 on, and actually doesn't take very long to get resolved (only one day in-universe).
Damn... i don't like the empress, I think it's because of her why pryde became a villainess in the otome game, she should've done something and not to give her up. Didn't they have that powers to see the future or something? If she shouldve known that her first daughter will be like that she should've atleast teach her what's right and wrong not as an empress but as a mother of the child. Anyways overall its good.
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