I am sorry but I don’t think you have to be abusive or a criminal to have a shit personality.
He is totally cold to her and always distant, she has to fight for every little attention to get and always runs after him, also he always teases her like a child would and so on... I for myself go rather with Hamels personality

so true!!! also i believe that ginger and hamel have WAYYYY better chemistry. izana and ginger felt kinda forced (probably bc ixana is the ml) but hamel and ginger falet way more natural, with hamel gradually developing feelings for ginger unlike izana (after meeting ginger 3 times, humiliating her and laughing at her sillyness) HAMELxGINGER FTW

While I agree with this ship. I don't think Izanas personality is the worst he is slowly being nicer and nicer to Ginger. Kind of can't think of him as an adult emotionally. He is 18 but he was locked in a tower without human contact for a long time. He also constantly sees the shitty side of people. He is emotionally stunted but is getting better. When he came out of the tower he was basically an 8 year old pulling pig tails. Now he is like a tsun high-schooler so we are getting there. Though I am still on the Hammel ship I would like a turn key property and not a fixer upper
Honestly let Ginger get Hamel. He is sooooo much nicer and more caring. I would love if they would end together.
And let Lerazie get the ML. Who cares his personality is shit anyway. And in the past they were even happily together - in the beginning.