The mature elder brother

Oneinamilliom April 23, 2021 6:28 pm

Ughh..will there be another Bella Edward Jacob scenario..does Woojin still like the younger brother? I don't know how the people are talking ill about the elder bro when He is 100% clear in his heart..he clearly told off that stupid boy but Woojin was all nervous, blushing infront of the lil bro..he only kicked him when he was about to be kissed . The elder bro is the calm type, mature. He is clear in his heart and thought that boy as younger bro who is immature so he helped that stupid boy with the wound knowing lil bro was with Woojin but this two almost kisses huh. So gonna be disappointed in Woojin if he keeps his feet in both the boats

    Saphir April 23, 2021 6:38 pm

    I feel it too, his love for lil bro isn't finished

    Oneinamilliom April 23, 2021 6:47 pm
    I feel it too, his love for lil bro isn't finished Saphir

    Yea...if it's gonna be that way I would rather they keep the elder bro out of their drama. He is gonna be stuck between all of their drama. One crazy obsessive guy whom he took in as yonger brother after him , the bf who might still be in love with his bro, his bro who is after his bf..ughh and his temper is soo calm as well

    Porcelain Girl April 23, 2021 9:36 pm

    For me, I don't think it'll a love triangle. I feel like Sangwook is a good sport. I think he'll admit his defeat and we'll see his pairing with Pilbum soon

    Saphir April 24, 2021 8:53 am
    For me, I don't think it'll a love triangle. I feel like Sangwook is a good sport. I think he'll admit his defeat and we'll see his pairing with Pilbum soon Porcelain Girl

    But what about the fact that woojin is in love with the lil bro?

    Porcelain Girl April 24, 2021 12:42 pm
    But what about the fact that woojin is in love with the lil bro? Saphir

    I think it's all in the past. He's now only happy that Sangwook didn't hate him