I dont know if i should pity him or not. The emperor did those bruises from...
anyone got a TLDR of the story that i missed out on? i semi dropped this ev...
Actually, I don't understand the hate between the siblings, I repeat every ...
I dropped this a long time ago. Did the boring arc pass by yet? Is this com...
I actually really like this yes what her younger brother did was bad its not like she forgiven him but she still wants him to succeed like ya u can't justify his actions by the way he grew up but it still had an impact on him I dont necessarily like the younger brother but I dont dislike him ethier I do hope he changes for the better
The relationship between the mc and ml is interesting because it's not like he wronged her in her passlife like other ml he just didn't like human touch and she was overbearing so obviously he wouldn't want to associate with her but now that she the first person to be aware and considerate of his mysophobia he of course going to have a change of heart and it seem even the mc even if she doesn't realize it still might have some lingering feelings for him
Anyway this artstyle is just everything like damn the mc, ml, and the lil bro got me like plus the way the dresses are drawn are so gorgeous
Aye am I only one crushing on Vera like everything about her just makes me love her