Why they doing Arthur dirty like that?

BlueRaven April 23, 2021 3:18 pm

Hmmm, interesting. I'm not sure that I like how the author is setting up Prince Arthur to be an antagonist. It seems kinda unnecessary for me, I personally think it would have been better for him to have character progression than recession just because of a love triangle that wasn't even a triangle in the first place (THE MC AND ML ARE ALREADY MARRIED). IDK I just feel like the author may just set him up as a antogonist for the simple sake of having a(n incompetent) villain that would make the already absurdly OP MC/ML look good.

    Mio April 23, 2021 5:58 pm

    For real the author should have just had him go after the pink haired girl. Could have set it up as Arthur not realizing he actually cared for pinkie. But instead the author chose to drag the love triangle on and have a duel request that just felt out of place.

    BlueRaven April 23, 2021 7:26 pm
    For real the author should have just had him go after the pink haired girl. Could have set it up as Arthur not realizing he actually cared for pinkie. But instead the author chose to drag the love triangle on a... Mio
