
PeanutButter April 23, 2021 2:47 pm

just my opinion. Leo is the type of ex that you get together with and have mixed feelings. His the type of ex that makes you question whether you got back together because you truly still love him, or because of the guilt and fond memories you have. Dont get me wrong tho, I love Leo. I just think he deserves better. Cuz Erica is already set on not getting back together w him. And honestly that would just be too much drama and angst for both parties. Buut as this is a manwha, drama and angst is pretty much guaranteed XD.
Also just based off from the interactions the potential ML's have with Erica, I rlly like Zion and Erica's dynamic together.

    bunnybubbz April 23, 2021 8:30 pm

    Also I’d feel so bad if the main female lead took Leo away. So I like her getting with a side character instead.

    effa April 24, 2021 11:57 am

    i get that but I feel bad for Leo because he may have truly fallen in love with the transmigrated person in Erika. But because of the plot, the new Erika cut him off. Afterall, past Erika and the Erika now are two different people with two different personalities and the only reason they broke up is because of the plot.