I usually dont come for a semi-decent scan group

aggravated seme April 23, 2021 9:28 am

But people defending them are reaching. The story is interesting enough and I didn’t find an issue with Young-Hwa saying he liked Hung natural, though I’d still like to see Hung be himself, but tbh the whole storyline itself is wonky anyway. It has the feeling of a first work just with a lot of it flowing oddly in the beginning and moments that feel like we skipped details. That doesn’t bother me bc authors have to start somewhere, and crossdressing is a concept I’d love to see get more love in bl. Side note: I feel like Young Hwa would look handsome with his hair back.

Anyways, the translation. I have to wonder if the scanners are okay? Like, that energy was funny for a few chapters and then it gets more and more obnoxious. “Other yaoi have notes too” is an argument used but umm other works notes don’t be coming crazy every panel like people with emotional instability. What the heck are yall reading? I’ve read hundreds and these are od aggressive. I get it that it sucks if people come for a group based on something they don’t control like the literal story (sadly hella yoai have trash consent). Their point was valid there but the negative energy was and is not.

I don’t know if this is a cry for help or what. And personally, since I’m being all the way honest. this is not so high quality of a translation that adding any old bs checks out. A lot of phrases are inconsistent and read oddly. I am grateful that we could read this work, but these aren’t baseless complaints that people have.

I’m prepared to be downvoted.

    PissBabey May 4, 2021 1:30 pm

    looking at the downvote to upvote ratio here makes me happy