Guys I’m not connecting this to Arabs, I’m saying that a lot of the elements are inspired of arab culture and it’s almost a genre in itself in Japanese media. The architecture is 100% Arab inspired like in many other mangas. Take Magi for example, which is a basic super popular shounen and the one that everyone thinks of first when they think Arabian theme. It’s not “Arabian” it’s themed, inspired after it. The world is created by the help of those elements.
And that in itself is not bad, it’s the cliche representation.
Arabs are Caucasian, yes, that is totally true, you can even find blond Arabs with blue eyes. Arabs are extremely diverse in their genes as they have their roots in both African, European, and Asian genes varying where you’re situated. You find black to white Arabs. Colour isn’t the thing, it’s the culture and what’s associated to it.
Inspiring yourself off a real culture is not a problem and you don’t have to stay true to it. Once again it’s the cliche. A lot of time Arab outfits come in a wide variety and btw I’m not talking about this comic specifically but Arab men outfits are pretty similar to what they’re wearing, just with more layers. Arab clothing looks a lot African indeed but with more layers and a lot of fabric because of the sun. The belts are extremely similar to the ones in this comic btw, going from being just a simple fabric to looking like a bunch of cylinders stuck together.
Also I was just pointing out that the cliches were making their way to BL lol I wasn’t speaking about this necessarily and has nothing to do with the fact that it’s a sexual fantasy world.
Take this for example: say a western guy decided to start a comic in a fictional world where men have katanas, everyone is wearing a kimono, their buildings look very Asian, they have temples, nine tail fox spirits, cherry blossoms, but it’s not Japan it’s whatever they decide to call it.
It’s not a problem in itself lol, who cares, but we do have to admit it’s very inspired of Japan.
Also I’m Arab. 100% know what I’m talking about, I know what my own country looks like, what we historically used to wear, what our architecture is, etc... I’m not but heart, just pointing out an honest truth. It IS inspired, so what?
The problem is once again the cliche of the sexuality, the skimpy outfits (that surprisingly isn’t in here) that was used by colonizers in the 18-20th century to sexualize Arab women (the Beurette Fantasy by French colonizers) and because super normalized and even “part” of the culture.
As I said, I’m Arab, so I’d hope you guys would trust me when I say this is really inspired of my culture rather than try to figure it out with a knowledge that is not necessarily comparable with an actual Arab. I’m not dissing this comic at all, just bringing up a reality about the trend in Japanese comics.
I hope you guys will start noticing the multitude of those comics on here in Mangago after my comment; it’s not bad, the weird, fetishized, not really well done representation is what’s kind of uncomfortable sometimes.
Anyways hope you have a nice day, I was just really trying to bring up a reality, it’s not exactly a debate!

Ok I’m gonna stop you right there, just the only reason why you’ll see a white person arab is 99% of the time they’re mixed with European descent. Arabian features look nothing like the yts, even if light skin Arabs have the skin tone the same as Europeans they clearly don’t look white from the eyes and nose.

I promise you even within my own country, Morroco, different regions have extremely different skin colours. My own grandmother is very dark and my grandfather is as white as snow and has green eyes. They both are Moroccan and have been for generations. I have had friends who are extremely pale and blonde with blue eyes and are Arab. You have arabs who have extremely silky hair and arabs with very frizzy hair. I have huge eyes and have been mistaken for a white Canadian as a kid, but my brother looks like a typical Arab and my other brother has been mistake for an Asian since he was a baby.
Arabs are literally situated between Europe and Asia (North Africa-Middle East) and have been the connection for trades between these two continents for ages. It’s really not that surprising that our genes are so mixed with them that we have different appearances.
The thing with “brown skin” is just because of the natural tan from the sun when you live in regions where it hits hard. Some northern parts of Northern African countries are cold enough to have very pale people.
Also in the region where I live people have light brown skin and bright green to hazel eyes (including me). In another region, people are extremely pale and have blue eyes. In the south people have darker skin both because of the sun and because of African immigrants.
We didn’t divide people by their race in Morocco so everyone was considered Moroccan and biraciality was common af until it wasn’t even a thing because everything was mixed up anyways.
Also our neighbours Algerians who have extremely European traits. For more precision, they have very Spanish and French traits; straight or tall nose, sharp facial features, skinny features. They are also a lot paler than us too.
I live in Canada btw and I’ve gone to a school with a huge diversity and a lot of Arabs. I’ve mistaken sooooo many of them as white myself and I’m not the only one.
It’s really weird to read stories with like an Arab inspired theme because the world that it’s inspired of is always either very barbaric or very sexual (like themes of slavery are always sexual compared to western themed)
Like I know it’s not supposed to be taken seriously but it’s literally everywhere in the shoujo genre and now it’s slowly making its way in the BL genre—
Not exactly complaining, but the representation is always really weird and considering how Arab and Arab culture is always subject of prejudices like a lack of morals or barbaric (while fetishizing the outfits and sexualizing them), it’s really difficult to enjoy these stories—
Like you always hav the rich prince and then everyone else is just either really wicked, ugly, or handsome but depraved.
I’m surprised they aren’t wearing sexualized Arabic outfit, that’s a props at least, cause we all know how it’s literally everywhere even if it’s not an actual Arab themed world hahaha
Maybe one day Arab culture will be represented a little better and not just with monarchy, money, oil, immorality, and sexy outfits... ^^”
The architecture really is the only really nice thing tbh