no, i don't want to be in a 3p with inseo's parents... you wish

chiku April 23, 2021 1:34 am

bruhhh... you don't just go to your bff's house and start jerking off outta nowhere... and inseo wtf man?!?? that's creepy...
speaking of creepy... i loved the part yihyeok was getting spanked but the boss is lowkey creeping me out... even if he's handsome.. he still seems creepy..
and yo i just saw sanho and tak in "your wish is my command" (☆▽☆)

    Naruto-kun April 23, 2021 1:41 am

    It is alrite (Alright) I feel you too. Dw the boss is creepy but hot but creepy.. and it’s true, WHY HE JERKING OFF AT HIS FRIENDS HSOIE