Just some constructive criticism

Issa Me Mario April 22, 2021 9:50 pm

So I really love the MC, she's one of the strongest female leads I've read in a webtoon yet. And I find the plot really interesting too. BUT I have two pretty big problems with this story. And those are:

1. The villain
2. The love interest

I find Rose such an annoying and tedious villain. And it's bc the author has made her incredibly one dimensional. She has absolutely no other trait, wish, desire or interest other than becoming queen, which is so unrealistic that she comes across more like a machine than human. When Rose does something twisted and disgusting I don't get mad at her, I get mad at the author, bc Rose doesn't even feel like a character she feels like a convenient plot device.
What baffles me even more is that the author originally gave her more nuance, but then randomly decided to strip her of that. I think it was a big mistake to have Rose declare she was never in love with the King and was only using him to become Queen. Bc her genuinely having a crush/being in love with the King, but not being allowed to marry him bc of her class, actually gave her some much needed nuance and sympathetic feelings. And it would have been massively satisfying to see her feel jealous and get her heart broken as payback for all the shit she's pulled, when she realizes he has fallen in love with our MC instead. Really a missed opportunity.

And then there's the King... Oh boy oh boy is he a weak love interest. He is as one dimensional as Rose, except his only trait is that he's a spineless pushover. First by his mom, then by his lover and now by our MC. The way he's portrayed in this story is so bad that he often comes across like a little boy, which makes his dynamic with our MC feel more like that of a mother and child, since her personality is so strong and assertive. Which is... SO NOT HOT. In fact it's creepy. You can make a character broken, but still a likeable and attractive ADULT. His characterization is another missed opportunity imo.

    maychan April 27, 2021 2:19 pm

    this is so true!! (⌒▽⌒)