I 100% agree but it’s hard to move on sometimes from things like that buttt the uke is so selfish when the seme is ready to leave he goes and says that he can’t make it without him like wasn’t all that heartbreak and waiting enough like he always stuck with him and when he’s ready to leave he pulls that, very frustrating

Agreed its serious toxic behavior to be that dependent and selfishly so. The uke needs some therapy and to love himself before trying to love others. Plus with all his trashy exs it's all just common knowledge to stay away from toxic people like if you know you are being cheated on and you are not satisfied in the relationship don't run right back to your bf get the fuck out of that harmful place.
Honestly I really don't have much sympathy for the uke. I know he had it tough but so what we all do, like alot of people have crappy exs you are nothing special honey go get therapy and move on with your life maybe even with the man who has always been there for you. Not everyone is so luck to have a guy like that. To me the uke is just a spoiled little drama queen who is too pampered by mc seme. Really like most of drama and pain between them was caused by the uke, the seme has been pouring out his love from the start and this uke just crushes him.