why is nobody talking abt it

ahaha April 22, 2021 6:11 pm

yeah sure taesung is being kind of a dick rn.. but why is nobody talking abt how well written and complicated his character is? i’m a whore for character depth literally this entire story is just him not knowing what to do with all these feelings he has for soo young.. most likely due to the violent environment i’m assuming he spent most his life in/ the mafia.. some y’all only read BLs for the “good sex” and “fluff” and generic writing with basic written characters.. it’s cool if that’s ur preference but don’t try to shit on something that’s actually well written bc it’s not basic enough fo satisfy your simplistic standards.. (by the way this is mainly intended for the people complaining that this manhwa isn’t soft enough.. or the characters are too toxic.. when that’s kind of the point)

    ahaha April 22, 2021 9:32 pm
    Because rape is a no, irl and everywhere else. xMarvin732

    who said rape was okay ?

    NNN.NNN April 22, 2021 11:58 pm
    Because rape is a no, irl and everywhere else. xMarvin732

    Why you still here then?

    Inkkk April 23, 2021 2:52 am


    Kiko April 23, 2021 7:05 am
    Because rape is a no, irl and everywhere else. xMarvin732

    Who said rape is accepted anywhere?

    Happyairballons01 April 23, 2021 9:50 am

    Yes that is correct, rape in general is not good, but we should remember this takes place in a Mafia where such things are like a game.... We are saying how this story is more realistic and detailed than other Mafia stories..

    poppy April 23, 2021 11:34 am

    That goes to every BL out there that is well written but gets shitted on bc it's not your "typical" yaoi. i'm baffled by the comments bc you'd think it'll be full of praises but No, It's full of whiny snowflakes trynna ruin it for everybody like are they blind? can't they see the character depth? the well written plot? i feel like they just believe what they want to see lol

    xMarvin732 April 23, 2021 12:45 pm
    That goes to every BL out there that is well written but gets shitted on bc it's not your "typical" yaoi. i'm baffled by the comments bc you'd think it'll be full of praises but No, It's full of whiny snowflake... poppy

    I can see the well written plot and the character depth, love tae seung and soo young both but everything else that's about rape shouldn't be