
Deadass same I would’ve waddled my ass to vampí mansion cause idk wat tf agia doin no more and like even though I barely know the vampire hey at least he treats me nicely like this may be bad to say but u saw when the vampire was gettin sexual with the MC like he was gentle and comforting I’d rather have that then Agia tbh
I low-key don’t like Agia cause idk he like mean kinda like there are personalities were like you know they could be mean but it’s like just their nature and it’s like tolerable n it be hot sometimes but I feel like he’s just mean just blatantly being like rude. Especially the way he be staring like he’s scary also that whole thing like when he said I said not to cover your face like hold on cause bitch I’m scared. Like I know that apparently the story is basically like the MC & Agia were lovers in the past and the vampire guy just used to love him but you know he was young at the time so a one sided crush but like the way Agia actin and treating MC it’s like were ya’ll rlly lovers orr sum else cause why u treating him so poorly like idk but the vampire guy lookin like a better option rn like if I was Ken (MC) I would’ve left like I’m not dealing with Agia cause he gettin on my nerves.