I agree both teh ML and FL piss me off. If I was the older brother I would have been WAY more angrier. Firstly, the FL did betray his trust when they had an agreement and she couldn't proeprly communicate that with him. I get it anxietiy and all but it was still HER fault for not getting it across. However the brother. OMG?!?! he has the audicuty to get mad and then IGNORE his older brother?! he doesn't even apologize for the initial shit he puts the FL through (to teh brother not hte FL) Like imaginge how much stress the brother must have had trying to coordinate his buisness and fmaily drama at home.
Then the ML comes in and is all like "I love her fuck you". wtf. just wtf. The brother isn't obligated to do eveyrthign to suit you. And ML also not properly communicate with him. We never got the brothers POV just the FL crying smh.
but I gotta say, as an older sibling, I would be so fucking pissed at this younger brother. I am the oldest as well. All the expectations and most of the strictness was experienced by me, as I was their first ever "child", the first ever "grandchild" and a girl. Being very different to what your family envisioned you to be is not easy. This guy has a lot of stress and to top it off, he is denying his own identity just to please family and not disappoint. I am not happy with this, but I can understand it. And she is not forced into marriage, and he treats her well for helping him out.
But this younger brother obviously is putting his brother on a pedestal. Which is so absolute tiring and can even hurt. When everyone is always only seeing you for the embodiment of their expectations and even your younger brother, who should have shared some of the same experience as you, does the same...it feels lonely. He loves this ideal he has of his brother, he needs it as a form of confirmation of his own existence. He is basically using the ideal he made of his brother as a means to "earth" him, give him "stability" and "reassurance" as someone who seems to have neglected to properly build a self-conscious, emotional intelligence and general independence. I could understand and it could be forgiven if he was 17. But this dude is almost fucking thirty. So his behaviour warrants no forgiveness objectively. Not even knowing that what he does is not really loving his brother...I mean he doesn't even know him, so how could he understand him, let alone dare to have the audacity to tell him "what is best for him". Like bitch, get some therapy, cause what you need honey is someone to tell you that you are a very in-stable obsessive person.
I am kind of annoyed the older brother is not properly strict and open with him, about how fucking insane and false his younger brother is. Just started this as well, and I can feel that she will suffer a lot from this immature delusional man child . #-.-)