Xylade April 22, 2021 11:35 am

The Message of this is literally "live your life to be this man's wife, get betrayed, raped, used and abused, lose your father and your mind because of him and when you have a chance to escape all of that, try giving him another shot because he's a changed man and surely he won't do the same things again" -- I cannot stress this enough but this is the classic and most basic abuse victim mentality that leads to IRL deaths! This may be a fantasy story but this is not something that should be put into anyone's mind! It's f*cking TOXIC and honestly disgusting.

It's honestly funny how I have read other works where the characters were written to be the most vile and disgusting ones possible, even the main ones, and yet this is one of the few who has garnered such hate from me and most definitely the one who garnered it in the shortest amount of time. Author needs to stop fantasizing about abuse and how "everyone can change" and understand that while that is true and people can change, that doesn't mean they shouldn't suffer some consequences for it (justice is different from karma). Trash prince might be an alternate TL version of the one who did those horrendous actions, but the fact that Idiot Lead barely even seems to care about it after living through, dying and then having God intervene on her behalf to give her a second chance is the gravest problem of all.

Looking at the bigger picture: this means that everything the Idiot Lead went in the 1st TL was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY in order for her to go back and put into effect the chain of events that would "redeem" the asshole.

That's not redemption for the Male Lead; it's just damnation for the work itself.

My final rating:
2/10 for pretty art -- I at least respect the artist who had to endure this shit and put this garbage into form and color.

    violet April 22, 2021 4:22 pm

    youre the second person ive had to respond to and im not even gonna bother typing a new message so here you go,
    you are so quick to judge and hate before actually trying to find reasons why such stuff even happened...
    you think tia wouldve been comfortable ending up with ruve had that all been genuine?
    pay attention to details more next time.
    in the original timeline, Zena had poisoned ruve and those actions of his were the result of the poisoning (basicallly, zena drugged ruve with smth to make him lose all inhibitions and slowly start hating and being insecure over everything)
    in the remedial timeline, zune poisons both ruve and tia this time too, but they manage to get help in time which is how tia learns the truth of the og timeline but she obv was still too hesitent about it
    eventually she tells ruve about it and instead of him berating her and telling her it was a silly nightmare, he apologises and even cries if i remember right
    these are just the barest details.
    go do your own research and then form an opinion based off of truth and facts

    Mokona44 April 22, 2021 6:30 pm
    youre the second person ive had to respond to and im not even gonna bother typing a new message so here you go, you are so quick to judge and hate before actually trying to find reasons why such stuff even happ... violet

    I believe you are the one who clealry have not paid attention.

    - First Ruve's actions were is own. He hated her without that. Even with the poison he was rational enough to keep ruling, to accuratly understand that her family had been framed (even if he didn't care) and more importantly let him keep his self-control around everyone else. If he really had gone mad because of the poison he would have attacked others just as badlly. In case you forgot he was avoiding her most of the time. Ji-eun, the servants and his secretary were the one with him most of the time but strangly enough never go to enjoy his violent side. "Tia attracted all his bad temper toward her" can't be true because, as said, she wasn't their most of the time. Ergo, the poison did not help but his anger toward her and actions were his own.

    - His idotic reason of being jaleous and insecure is not an excuse nor even a good enough explanation and show his true colors. He only changed because she was terrified of him and then avoided him. If not he would have hated her for no actual reason at all. Second Ruve is not a good person. Tanted her that he would make her concubine instead of Emperess, screamed at her when she was eleven years old child while he was 16 because she served his favorite food and then, after she collapsed because of it, was going to do it again. He read personal letters and reveal the inside to a third party by complainig about it. Realize that he was mistaken but don't bother to even send a letter or apologize once after putting her into a comatose state, instead shunning her the same way he did in the first timeline thus Tia is the one who made al the efforts to amend their relationship (when she shouldn't even willing too since the last time they meet he was cleraly going the same path than the forst timeline). He swear that he will respect her choice but: forcefully kiss her without permission, refuse her vow when she clearly want to break up, force her to change her plans for her own coming of age party without asking if she was alright with that because he didn't care and it suited what HE wanted, lied about signing the papers about the end of their engament just because, use her to escape from Ji-eun... Seriously, do I really need to continue? I can right a full two pages of his actions that are absolute red flags. Cherry on top: he was going to execute Ji-eun the same way he did Tia in the first timeline, after using her and knowing she was innocent and helped them. He only was only taling about himself and complaing that she reject him when she was freaking died because of the poison. Misunterdood sweet boy? More like spoiled, arrogant and self entitled child-man.

    - When Tia told him about her past she barely said anything. She did not talk about the misscariage, nor the slap, nor the way he was violet with her when theu did it and not even the execution part. And after all that he did call it a "dream". Indeed he is fully aware that it must have happened since as predicted Ji-eun appeared. And it make the use of this word even worst coming from him. He is clearly not understanding what she have gone trought. He did not cry when she told his story either. Instead he throwed himself a self-pity party the same way he did when she was dying ("MY breath MY love You do you hate ME when she is dying at the same time mind you, show how he is self-centered) by explaining why he hated her so much.

    Anonymous April 23, 2021 2:59 am
    youre the second person ive had to respond to and im not even gonna bother typing a new message so here you go, you are so quick to judge and hate before actually trying to find reasons why such stuff even happ... violet

    It's a pity that its you who doesn't have critical thinking and doesn't look at the bigger picture.

    Dingo123 April 23, 2021 4:49 am