The Duke is shit

muthi April 22, 2021 7:30 am

He was told by the brother to protect Iris while he was gone but he let her die in the past life. And the only reason she is alive now is because she acted on her own first given her past knowledge. Otherwise, he would have let her go through all that misery again and die. And it's even worse given he has an information network meaning he either refused to investigate the person he was supposed to protect or he knew and did nothing. Fuck teh DUke.

    Keiy April 22, 2021 12:07 pm

    Do you mean Ian? Didn't we already know that in first life, he try to help iris many time? And when he learned that iris is dead, he is the one who reverse time?

    Bea April 22, 2021 2:58 pm
    Do you mean Ian? Didn't we already know that in first life, he try to help iris many time? And when he learned that iris is dead, he is the one who reverse time? Keiy

    Yh that's what happened

    Lucy April 22, 2021 3:43 pm
    Do you mean Ian? Didn't we already know that in first life, he try to help iris many time? And when he learned that iris is dead, he is the one who reverse time? Keiy

    And didn’t he also die in the previous timeline so he couldn’t help her at the end?

    Keiy April 22, 2021 4:14 pm
    And didn’t he also die in the previous timeline so he couldn’t help her at the end? Lucy

    I read that too, it is when iris told that to her brother about pastlife but then a fairy(?) said ian the one who ask for time reverse. Either it is plothole or we confuse about iris and her brother conversation

    muthi April 22, 2021 4:14 pm
    Do you mean Ian? Didn't we already know that in first life, he try to help iris many time? And when he learned that iris is dead, he is the one who reverse time? Keiy

    You cannot convince me Ian the one the author keeps showing he loved her from childghood. WOuld let her go through all that. He let her marry horward who everyone knew was a womaniser. He let her lose her inheritance. He let her get abused. All that time he never tried to get her out of that place, or even manipulate info to prevent the uncle from screwing her over.
    He has known her since childhood and even when he was specifically asked to take care of her, he couldn't do anything about all that. But now in this iteration he all of a sudden can kidnap people, help her at parties when she can actually help herself due to the past information but not before in past life when she was helpless. This just feels shitty.

    666titania April 22, 2021 7:28 pm
    You cannot convince me Ian the one the author keeps showing he loved her from childghood. WOuld let her go through all that. He let her marry horward who everyone knew was a womaniser. He let her lose her inher... muthi

    Ian was coward that time cuz Empress Liza controls everything and have a great influence. The Griffin family (Iris former husband) become the captain of guards and marry Nera who is the Empress favorite and her Solia. The Griffin family is the relative of Empress Liza once they married into Iris they took over the marquisdom which once again adds Empress Liza influence.

    From what I remember, Ian escape their country that time to gain power or position in the other country so in Iris past life, she said that Ian become so powerful. Before Iris died, Ian return to their country once again and become the emperor but at that time he was already too late. When Ian became the emperor Iris was imprisoned by her husband. Ian didn't approach or help Iris cuz he was so guilty that he made him suffer so the only thing he could do is to help Iris and her baby survive by giving her aid like food. He also secretly assist Iris escape by giving her a map. When he found out that Iris died he sacrifice his lie to return back time.

    Bea April 23, 2021 4:50 pm
    You cannot convince me Ian the one the author keeps showing he loved her from childghood. WOuld let her go through all that. He let her marry horward who everyone knew was a womaniser. He let her lose her inher... muthi

    He was d'eau duh

    Bea April 23, 2021 4:51 pm
    He was d'eau duh Bea


    Phoenix April 23, 2021 11:56 pm
    You cannot convince me Ian the one the author keeps showing he loved her from childghood. WOuld let her go through all that. He let her marry horward who everyone knew was a womaniser. He let her lose her inher... muthi

    Are we reading the same story? It feels like you still on chapter 30?

    Nalia April 26, 2021 5:36 pm
    Ian was coward that time cuz Empress Liza controls everything and have a great influence. The Griffin family (Iris former husband) become the captain of guards and marry Nera who is the Empress favorite and her... 666titania

    He's also the one who reversed time, like it's so obvious though, with the fairy scene and the emperor saying it's one of the power the curse cause.