Yeah. Either hunted by ccg or being locked up in Cochlea. I'm scared. I hope he doesn't easily throw his life. I don't want Kaneki death of all character in Tokyo Ghoul. I wish I could smack his head and tell him, "you should fight and protect your life because it is precious and your bestfriend sacrifice himself to keep you alive." Maybe, Arima can smack him awake instead. Hope Arima going easy on Kaneki.

Yeah, if anything, he should fight for Touka and others. Touka of all people won't be happy to lose Kaneki. If only Kaneki would treasure his life a little. He should think about Touka and Re and the clown! and the King! There are still so many mystery left. He should protect Hinata still because who knows, that girl won't survive alone. Many people would be sad if Kaneki is dead, including us. readers

wait.. Hinata? She's in TG now??! .0. Omeh gurd..
There is a limit of how much you want to die, Kaneki! You can't die just yet. Call me crazy but I hope Kaneki can stay being an investigator even though it's unlikely