He was definitely happier with yuki. I mean they grew up together, they were each other's first loves and they were each other's everything. You can't really expect that Mafuyu is gonna have those kinds of feelings for Ue at this point in time, he's still moving on and he's still figuring things out with Ue. I don't like it either but it's pretty realistic that Ue is naturally second choice to yuki. If yuki were still alive, Ue wouldn't even have the chance and that's something that's probably going to bother him in these early stages.The fact that Mafuyu may never love him like he did yuki. That's just how the heart works and it sucks but the author is doing a good job portraying that kind of process,

isn't it unfair to compare mafuyu's happiness when he was with yuki to the happiness he feels when he's with ritsuka? with yuki they have history of a decade, everything was great for mafuyu back then, he had a boyfriend and friends that he's known since he was little but when he's with ritsuka he's grieving someone, is a little estranged from those childhood friends and they've only known each other for a little more than a year. if people really want to compare the two relationships then they should do it after it's shown how mafuyu and ritsuka are after a decade.
and i'm pretty sure mafuyu is going to end up loving ritsuka more than he's loved yuki and that's okay.

It's not really unfair. It simply is what it is. Sure, in a decade or in a year or in a few months maybe Mafuyu's feelings will increase in intensity but right now we can see that he is still moving on, he has feelings for someone new and he found something that he likes to do but he's still figuring it out. His happiness with Ue being less than with Yuki at this point is okay. It's not a competition or anything. I can't wait for the day Mafuyu completely moves on and fully immerses himself in Uenoyama but as it stands it ain't so. Mafuyu was happier then and that's okay. It just takes time.

I feel like that ship could have remained unsailed tbh. Haru was the one in love with aki while aki was in love with ugetsu. He barely even moved on from that and just jumped into a new relationship. It's not really giving what I wanted it to give. It feels like he just submitted himself because him and ugetsu wasn't working out.

Thank you for saying that, I literally feel the same, that’s why I think the Akiharu arc really ruin haruki as a character, it would be better for him to not be with Aki after all, but that’s just my personal opinion, between chapter 27 during the break up and chapter 28 the confession a few month have passed 7-9 month I think, but even with that I feel like their relationship is maybe more for the fan service than anything else,
This is my personal opinion I think this manga is great but I don’t like it when for both couple the story shows more about their past lovers compared to the current one. And also Mafuyu looks happier when he was with Yuki in the past than with Uenoyama. I also think that Ugetsu and Akihito still like each other and suddenly he likes Haruki??? (might also because I didnt understand their story) right now I’m only interested in Shizu and Hiiragi