Crown Prince: she should be begging me and kissing my feet well i have news for you budd...

nothoughtsjust2dwomen April 21, 2021 8:46 pm

Crown Prince: she should be begging me and kissing my feet

well i have news for you buddy, unfortunately (fortunately ), you'll be the one begging her and kissing her feet in the near future

    Sapphireblue April 22, 2021 4:39 am

    And he is already on his knees...

    Sapphireblue April 22, 2021 4:42 am
    And he is already on his knees... Sapphireblue

    And i know of another shift like this...his name was soveishu(i think)....
    God you could have loved one and lived well you little shifts...but you want power,love and adoration from your betters...
    Yes medea,psyche and navier are your betters

    Sanity April 22, 2021 9:56 pm
    And i know of another shift like this...his name was soveishu(i think)....God you could have loved one and lived well you little shifts...but you want power,love and adoration from your betters...Yes medea,psyc... Sapphireblue

    1) yes and 2) they always assume the women will never leave no matter how much you take them for granted. Though Earos is doing it purposefully and Soveishu is just a fucking idiot. He somehow knows how much she does for him but still does her dirty because she has always been there so she will always be there. Man now I'm mad about it I need chapter 80 (divorce) quick

    Sapphireblue April 23, 2021 3:28 am
    1) yes and 2) they always assume the women will never leave no matter how much you take them for granted. Though Earos is doing it purposefully and Soveishu is just a fucking idiot. He somehow knows how much sh... Sanity

    Me too...when i heard why he did what he did...i was very i know you are idiot how can it be this much...soveishu is so much of stupid idiot...
    And let's not forget Eros...this lottle shift don't want a Medea with power and backup.... He want her dependent on him and him break her completely...destroy her pride and save her from prision after psyche's death...
    What soveishift do after marriage eros is doing it now....before she could even become queen....
    Psyche has always been a vase for him...somehow it makes me more mad....i hate shiftheads like this...
    You shouldn't have given her hope or manipulated her lile this....
    All i want is to hug madea and psyche amd navier....

    Sanity April 23, 2021 4:10 am

    Hmmn you take that job I'm gonna go commit lese majesty and beat them within an inch of their lives let them heal then beat them again. Both are equally important jobs. Also I feel so bad for Soveshu's assistant. He keeps going um my lord I don't think (Soveshu interrupts) it'll be fine..... but sir..... it's like the Hamilton papers. Like my dude your "friend" is trying to save you from yourself but no

    Sapphireblue April 23, 2021 6:05 am

    I can help you too....
    I think meadea would like to join it woild be cathartic for her....
    Most of friends/assistants to antagonist or protags ho through this.....his assistant knows how this will end in disaster and more work for him....
    Soveishifts behaviour after reading her message and that bluebird incident...i try not to remember it...dont want my bp spiking...

    Sanity April 23, 2021 10:24 am

    Yeeeeeeah I try to think of his future destruction to calm down. Because he will lose that war. Also if it makes you feel better SPOILER Alert our girl has twins with H. He can just choke on infertility claim.

    Sapphireblue April 23, 2021 10:48 am

    Hahaha... a spoiler i so welcome....
    And that (ah i forgot his name)...he helps rashtha but is from H country...he helped along the way..a mastermind...if not soveishifts true character would hav taken a lil more time...
    Speaking of brothers...i remeber this other story where our MC finally gets to meet her brother after coming to enemy cointry...forgot manhwa name though

    Sapphireblue April 23, 2021 10:49 am

    Thank you nice human it made me feel better....
    So the twins will be blonde too considering the both of them

    Sanity April 23, 2021 10:57 am
    Thank you nice human it made me feel better....So the twins will be blonde too considering the both of them Sapphireblue

    But will they be birds and what kind of bird?

    Sanity April 23, 2021 10:59 am
    Hahaha... a spoiler i so welcome....And that (ah i forgot his name)...he helps rashtha but is from H country...he helped along the way..a mastermind...if not soveishifts true character would hav taken a lil mo... Sapphireblue

    Well bird country was panning a fight an soveshu just handed them the rope and started tying it around his own neck

    Sapphireblue April 23, 2021 11:03 am

    Yeah so obedient....
    The birds....
    Now thats a million dollar question alright