i hope people see this because even if i get hated i want to get my opinion out there. um ...

honeylemonsoda April 21, 2021 5:12 pm

i hope people see this because even if i get hated i want to get my opinion out there. um the more i read the more i think. you dont know what being a slave is like? im not sure whether or not she was raped or she consented but thats so. tough! whats wrong with an uneducated girl wanting a stable life? if the empress didnt hate her she might have just not done anything. im not saying the empress is responsible for that she doesnt have to do anything but i thinnk it's all the king's fault. really i mean shes a bit scheming but if the king decides he doesnt want her anymore she will go back to being a slave! i dont understand how people still vehemently hate everything about rashta she really is a normal girl. navier was raised to be empress and rashta has only JUST learned how to read !! it's already really amazing. it's disgusting sovietshu's fault mmkay. rashta isnt thinking too much she probably thinks that navier already has a high standing so making her not empress anymore isnt that big of a deal. rashta is fighting for her LIFE. im not saying i like her but it's definetly justifiable. unless she has actively tried to kill someone or frame someone or rape and i just dont remember, i really cant hate her. i feel bad for her but,. the king ugh just cut off his dick

    honeylemonsoda April 23, 2021 2:05 pm

    cant get over you thinking shes manipulating the emperor... you think she has that power?? youre giving her too much credit.

    New nickname alert April 23, 2021 2:38 pm

    I’m not saying that they are not hand and hand. I’m saying neither is okay. Just because you have been abused doesn’t give you the right to ruin other people’s lives. Yes most of the reasons we hate rasha are connected to the emperor but she still has her own problems. No one is excusing the emperor’s behavior. If you were abused as a child and murders there abuser, some people will hate you and some people can sympathize with you. Because what you still did something that was morally wrong in some peoples eyes and right in others. Obviously what rasha did is morally wrong in the eyes of everyone that opposes you @honeylemonsoda, that’s not internalize misogyny, it’s just what we believe is morally unexceptional. Obviously we have different morals, that doesn’t make either of the argument invalid. Again we are NOT clearing the blame on the emperor. We still are not gonna agree that nothing rasha does is her fault. I think we should all agree to disagree on this point cause it’s getting heated on this post.