What are y'all calling character development?

_uwu_senpai April 21, 2021 4:52 pm

What are y'all calling character development? This is lousy writing and the only way Seungho can get redeemed is giving Na-Kyum his freedom and FUCKING GO TO JAIL!
I'm not sure... you realise he did kill someone??? And rape and abuse this dude for like..months? Even now he is being sweet but still predatious and threatening, asking Na-Kyum not to anger him by not refusing him..just in a nicer way? Wth is wrong with y'all. Okay but just imagine. Close your eyes and picture yourself in Na-Kyum's place ..like for real. Does it matter if your rapist is hot? Imagine being that destroyed and the same person that do that to you now gets nice all of a sudden cause whatever his reasons are and now wants to properly date you. I mean..just picture it for a second...wtf this should not be encouraged. Or I hope you do discern reality from fiction even tho fiction should not be romanticising bs. Y'all need therapy if you think this is okay. What's wrong with this generation...even tho I'm part of it. I just started this cause I thought it would be some wholesome Enemies to lovers but boooooooy was I wrong. Anyways I'm just gonna stick around hoping Seungho gets what he deserves and Na-Kyum is cured from his Stockholm Syndrome.

    Fun April 21, 2021 5:14 pm

    Don't worry we are all adults and we know the difference between reality and fiction ! I do agree with you, if this was a real story I would be DISGUSTED by Seungho and sent him immediately to prison. Here it's a clumsy tentative to involve the reader in a "broken" character and then justify its action by the trauma he lived before. If you search for psychological depth and healthy coping, this is not a good story haha

    rmy April 21, 2021 5:17 pm

    you just wrote a whole essay about how horrible it is but still continue to read it. if it's against of your morals, I honestly think how did u get to read this far? shouldn't you stop it when it makes you uncomfortable?

    Amaia April 21, 2021 5:39 pm

    Lollll please sit down it’s not that deep it’s a work of fiction in a time period way different than ours. He’s never gonna “pay for his actions” if he was someone would’ve said something a while ago when he kilt people in public. Pls give it a rest love

    audrey April 21, 2021 5:41 pm

    With the time period it’s in this was all allowed and we get he’s done bad things but we should just be glad he’s changing ? If you don’t like it quit reading it

    Private InvestiGAYtor April 21, 2021 5:42 pm

    if it’s against your morals just pls stop reading it and shoving an essay to ppl’s faces. not to be harsh but we dont need someone’s lectures, we’re here for serotonin/entertainment/ to kill time with a fictional story not violate irl laws.

    nam April 21, 2021 6:11 pm

    calm down it's just a book i understand where you're coming from bc i agree tht seungho is messed up and nothing can justify the things he did but to shit on other ppl bc they enjoy fiction is not it lol im sure no one wants this to happen to them irl but this is fictional where it's not illegal to explore and enjoy their guilty pleasures. u are entitled to ur own opinion but dont guilt trip other ppl for liking things

    Pumpkin April 21, 2021 6:36 pm

    Stop comparing works of fiction to real life. No one was killed and no one was raped, because they don't exist. This is a creative work that's not supposed to follow real life standards. You said it yourself, you were looking for something wholesome, this story is fucked up, you are in the wrong place. You have thousands of stories to choose from, I would suggest you to read something else.
    If you're gonna stick around you better keep in mind that Seungho and Nakyum will end up together as the promotional artwork has been suggesting from day one.

    marchrepizo April 21, 2021 8:17 pm

    Well, it is actually indeed a character development. You should remember that seungho also suffered something that is also traumatizing when he was young that's why he is what he is in the story. Furthermore, didn't you see that nakyum already falls in-love with him. Sure, it was rape and all at first but the story dev't isn't all like that but it tells us that no matter how kinky, arrogant, crazy a person is there is someone who will want you and will have no care whether you're a bigshot or not. That's why nakyum never feels the same way again whenever he thought of in-su. And don't tell me it's because of pleasure that nakyum was persuade, bfft nonsense. There are more ways to fall in love. This will continue to develop now where seungho going to correct his mistake and do what is right unless the author have still kinks hidden to twist again the story. I think everyone should have something to learn in the story and try to ask yourselves "When does wrong feels right?" Because this is what I'm getting in the story. Just sayin~ and appreciate the art of the story ciao.

    marchrepizo April 21, 2021 8:31 pm
    Well, it is actually indeed a character development. You should remember that seungho also suffered something that is also traumatizing when he was young that's why he is what he is in the story. Furthermore, d... marchrepizo

    I forgot to add that its in the era where even nobles are treated like animals so I kinda relate to the story as a history major these wildness are common during those times~

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 12:28 am

    Go fuck yourself. Dude, seriously, this story is clearly a classic rape plot trope from start. If you don't tolerate incest ship stories, don't read it. If you do because you want to follow the crowd, then shut the fuck up instead of thinking you can lecture or 'educate' the other adult readers in the room.
    If you don't like omega verse and still is dumb and stupid enough to read it, it's not anybody's else job to make you feel uncomfortable.
    Same thing for adult Yaoi stories that have any non confirmative ship like these rape plot stories.
    Are you really that stupid that it took you 76 chapters to realize that you were reading a story that will have the 'rapist' end up with the uke? Are you really this dense?
    Or what you saying is that you CHOOSE to read a story that you KNEW it would have this plot and then you have the gall to think you can lecture people on how they should feel and enjoy their story because you are not liking it? Something you ALREADY KNEW YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT?
    You guys are such assholes that you pick a story to read just because it's famous and know you won't enjoy it but make it your only pleasure to come here feeling superior or entitled to put down other peoples just because they are enjoying something that you don't like it... but can't give up on it either.
    You fuck dumb bitches are exactly like those assholes that follow a crowd to a party that they don't like it just because everyone else is going.
    It's like being a vegetarian and going to a steak restaurant just because everyone else is going. Then you sit there complaining that you are being served steak when you knew all along that that's it's what you were being served. Not happy with being an idiot, you are the type that keeps nagging and shaming the people eating their steak and enjoying it.
    It's way over time that you bitches grow the fuck up and stop taking responsibility for the choices you made. YOU CHOOSE TO READ A RAPE PLOT TROPE, YOU PICKED THIS STORY so why are you whining about reading something you knew you would not like it?
    So fucking tired of the dumb children who can't understand the simple concept of 'If you choose to read something you don't like, it's your fucking problem'.

    Akaihana April 22, 2021 1:20 am

    Long ass essay and you still want to stick around instead of just drop it?? Its pot calling the kettle back for me.

    Danae April 22, 2021 2:26 am

    "Anyways I'm just gonna stick around hoping Seungho gets what he deserves and Na-Kyum is cured from his Stockholm Syndrome. "

    Are really readers that low witted that they can't tell which kind of Yaoi story POTN is?
    I can never take people like you seriously because either you are really slow that you got lost in the wrong aisle of Yaoi and didn't know you had picked a rape plot to read .. then now that it's pretty damn clear this is intended as exactly what your guys hate the most ---- the romantic relationship --- you still can't get it that you choose a rape plot. Wow. How clueless one has to be to still be missing the plot by this much even now.
    However, my guess is that you know very well and have been knowing what you are reading and knew what you were going to get .... but just like any other brainless zombie who reads popular stories just to follow the crowd even though you know you will hate the plot .... just act dumb and pretend that you thought the story would be something else.
    Please dumb girl, if you got lost in the wrong dark side of the aisle and missed all the red flags and still think you will get a social justice moralistic real life plot, save yourself the trauma and go read something that doesn't upset you so much that you have to come here sounding like a child who wanted to read a fairy tale and picked porn and still can't tell that what they are reading it's not what they thought it would be.

    Eve April 22, 2021 3:53 am

    Wow I'm so sorry you have to meet these assholes who replied to your comment. I have done my fair share of negative reviews and get super tired of the "why you reading it then?" BRO people can read shit that they dislike and that's the WHOLE POINT. Man some immature people really replied to you with this bullshit logic...I cannot. Meanwhile if they like it, they can post a long ass essay...what hypocrites.

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 7:46 pm
    Wow I'm so sorry you have to meet these assholes who replied to your comment. I have done my fair share of negative reviews and get super tired of the "why you reading it then?" BRO people can read shit that th... Eve

    The WHOLE POINT of reading something you don't like is to take responsibility for your own discomfort or frustration.
    What it is really immature is for people to not know the difference between criticizing or giving an opinion and lecture or shaming other people using some kind of moral superiority
    I have absolutely no problem with readers who dislike what I like. What I don't take as honest is this attitude of pretending that the poster is not provoking readers with her arrogant and entitled self appointment judge of how others should read based on her limit.
    If you can't tell the difference and on top of it play some kind of victim, you are just dishonest.
    Have an honest opinion. Read something you choose to read despite knowing you would not like but. RESPECT that having an opinion is not the same as posting an asshole post shaming people.
    Give us a break. Not only a shamer but on top of it still think it's a victim of something.

    Danae April 22, 2021 8:16 pm
    Wow I'm so sorry you have to meet these assholes who replied to your comment. I have done my fair share of negative reviews and get super tired of the "why you reading it then?" BRO people can read shit that th... Eve

    Don;t be sorry for a shamer to be talked back.
    Be sorry that posts like these are defended as 'criticism' when it's not.
    What the poster is doing here?
    She is using the same argument of all shamers: 'Because I can't accept a fictional story that doesn't follow the moral ending of real life, I will lecture you all about how you should feel about this story'.
    Then proceed to shame and 'educate' the other readers because they are cheering on the development of the story.
    You don't like the story but still choose to read it? Have at it. Do you think the story still can magically turn into something you, missing all the clues, though it would be? Please do so.
    Where in this logic, you give yourself the right to put down people, shame, provoke them or demand that they explain to you?
    Either you accept that people can differentiate fiction from reality or you don't. The thing with shamers is that this explanation is never enough for them, as if readers were even supposed to give explanations on their ADULT fiction.
    The worst of it is you trying to frame this very condescending, arrogant, 'let me educate you all about how you should read this' as criticism.
    Criticism is very different. It's about YOUR way to feel about the story. About YOUR taste and how the story affect you. It;s never about how OTHER people feel about the story. This post is literally about shaming and lecturing others because the poster thinks that her way to read this have some kind of moral or intellectual superiority.
    By the way, if you made it to the end of my 'ESSAY', thank you for the attention to this 'Hypocrite'. At least I can tell that I will never try to hide my contempt and disrespect for an audience to a story I don't like as 'criticism'. Hypocrite indeed.

    Eve April 22, 2021 8:39 pm
    Don;t be sorry for a shamer to be talked back. Be sorry that posts like these are defended as 'criticism' when it's not. What the poster is doing here? She is using the same argument of all shamers: 'Because I ... Danae

    You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. Does it really matter that this person has chosen to continue to read it even if they're not content with the story? You call them out for continuing to read it when its their choice. I never understood the whole "Don't read it then!" but meanwhile someone has to read it in order to really see whether they like it or feel that the word is bad. Your point on that aspect was just unnecessary and irrelevant.
    I disagree about the criticism aspect because so many people criticize a work AND the audience of that work. The point is sometimes audiences could be dragged into the opinion. Sure they could've worded it nicely but I'm never against ANYBODY sharing their opinion whether its "shaming" or not. She's questioning the audience's opinion....which you can do. Moreover she mentioned in the beginning about character development, which is a more objective aspect of a work. Idk why you looked at it so intently as "shaming", "condescending" and "lecturing". What rant isn't lecturing? Maybe you're just looking into it too deeply, where you're projecting her supposed moral superiority. In hindsight....sure her opinion can be a little problematic but instead of maybe countering her points, you just chose to shame her for her opinion and call her out on SOME unnecessary aspects. I mean your whole argument was "DONT READ IT!" I'm sorry, have you not watched youtube videos critiquing LOADS of movies, books, or any other medium that they HATED? I can think on top of my head where they really questioned the audience's perception of the medium.

    Eve April 22, 2021 8:47 pm
    The WHOLE POINT of reading something you don't like is to take responsibility for your own discomfort or frustration. What it is really immature is for people to not know the difference between criticizing or ... Zarathustra

    "The Whole point of reading something you don't like is to take responsibility for your own discomfort or frustration"--what does that even mean? "taking responsibility"? You can still COMMENT even if you don't like the piece for any reason. I didn't see it as very condescending as some of her points made sense. Listen I'm not in total agreement with her opinion or the way she put it but I still don't feel it's warranted for this type of response. However some of it was a bit of a critique such as the point about this not being character development. I don't think she mentioned anything about being a victim? Unless you're referring to my comment.

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 9:01 pm
    You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. Does it really matter that this person has ch... Eve

    "You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. "
    There. The dishonesty. Her post literally calls on people and lecture them. As if people needed to be educated. Why can't you at least be honest? This poster is a shamer.
    And the irony of using the word 'woke' when it's the shamers who go around pretending to be some kind of social justice warriors using a morality clause for fiction exactly to make feel other people bad for their entertainment. Look at her post. This is woke bullshit. If I posted shit like that in any story that I don't like it but demanded that others followed my distaste using a 'wokish' morality superiority I would expect to be slapped back too.
    Again, have it your way. It's a disservice to criticism to defend shaming and lecture and 'educative' posts like these as criticism. It's the underlying idea here that the poster feels superior intellectually or morally and give herself the role of educate others.
    The 'Don't read it' is a very reasonable critique if the poster is a shamer. It's the whole idea of taking responsibility for your own choices. If you don't like a certain kind of plot, if you know it triggers you, if you know the audience will upset you with their enjoyment, it's just a question of maturity that people are not responsibly for your feelings.
    I don't understand how people can't grasp with this simple concept: Rape plot, like many other 'wrongs' is a door that you choose to enter. You know what you will find and you know you won't like it. Then you proceed and then you think you have the right to then demand other people to fell like you do based on your morality clause or based on the fact that you don't accept the fiction being different from reality or whichever is your beef.
    I will stop talking to you because again, you are both denying that this person whole post is a condescending post like most of these, about shaming and lecturing and educating people and at the same time justifying that she is doing exactly that.
    No, you don't get to assign yourself the role of morality thought on adult fiction. No, you don't get to disrespect people way of enjoying under the disguise of 'criticism' . Even more when it you who choose to put yourself in a situation you knew would trigger or upset you.
    The more I talk to shamer and shamers apologists like you the more I feel how dishonest you all are. I have talked to people who dislike this and other similar stories and know the common rule of respect for adults using the freedom to read what they want in adult fiction. You clearly can tell the difference between honest discussion and what you are trying to do here.
    This poster is a shamer and I hope each time one of these assholes try to put down other people for enjoying their adult fiction, that they get the slap back they deserve.
    If you don't like it and choose to read it, respect the room you put yourself in.

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 9:05 pm
    Don;t be sorry for a shamer to be talked back. Be sorry that posts like these are defended as 'criticism' when it's not. What the poster is doing here? She is using the same argument of all shamers: 'Because I ... Danae

    Sorry, I hijacked your post.

    Eve April 22, 2021 9:12 pm
    "You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. " There. The dishonesty. Her post literall... Zarathustra

    I don't know why you automatically lump me in with "shamers" just because I defended them. I just don't see it as all that problematic. The poster also said they initially thought it was going to be wholesome but then they were wrong so why can't they still post an opinion, condescending or not? You're suggesting that they would've known before they even read it when that's not the case all the time. I'm just not as emotionally invested in this as you, clearly. Hence why I don't see such a huge problem. I mean you're throwing names around left and right. There's many passing comments about "why do people even like this?" and you're taking it to a whole new level. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm not. Who cares.