You just don't do bdsm just like that, you talk about it, you set rules, safe words, and surprise, consent is also important in bdsm ! you make sure everybody is ok with whatever you plan to do.
it's so easy to just say "but its dom play" lmao did we see them talking about having a sub/dom play ? No. Did we see them talking about a safe word ? No. This isn't bdsm. this is a guy forcing himself on his boyfriend.

I feel like the issues is more that they weren’t being responsible with it, no safewords or whatever, so we can’t tell whether his “no” means “no”! Also since it’s so close to the rape from the story line that contrasts with the semes behavior from then....I don’t think it’s rape but it doesn’t read like proper bdsm or cnc....
i dont understand what everyones problem is lol