I'm Lost?

hana April 7, 2016 8:44 pm

Someone give some advice about college? Currently I'm majoring in chemical engineering but I'm thinking of changing major. I don't know what to do. I lost my passion. I thought of switching to psychology or theater arts. I'm interested in voice acting or somewhere in the entertainment industry. what should I do? I don't know about myself. I'm scared that I wont get a job. Someone help?!

    Dreamer April 7, 2016 9:20 pm

    Just based on what you wrote, it sounds like you really want to switch to something in the entertainment industry, but are afraid to find a job in that business. My advise: why don't you talk to people who has or had studied something like that? It may give you some insight.
    And if it is that you don't know what to do, at all, than my advise is to talk to people. Talk to your friends, family and so on to ask what they think that would suit you. Talk to different people who are majoring the subject you are intersted in. Or look on the internet and search something you're interested in and look if that's a possiblity.
    If you don't give up and keep on moving, I think you will find your answer.
    I hope this will help!

    Fan girl April 7, 2016 9:28 pm

    I think you should minor in theatre arts or psychology. It leaves the door open for you in those fields without cutting off a sure bet such as chemical engineering. I'm also a college student who recently changed my major. I know how hard it is to just pick a career and stick with it. But keep in mind you don't have to that's why they offer minors. So that you'll always have a backup plan.

    hana April 7, 2016 10:18 pm
    Just based on what you wrote, it sounds like you really want to switch to something in the entertainment industry, but are afraid to find a job in that business. My advise: why don't you talk to people who has ... Dreamer

    Thank you!

    hana April 7, 2016 10:23 pm
    I think you should minor in theatre arts or psychology. It leaves the door open for you in those fields without cutting off a sure bet such as chemical engineering. I'm also a college student who recently chang... Fan girl

    Chemical engineering is so hard. I'm failing my classes right now though. What you say is true. Ill keep it in mind. Thanks!