Satisfying. Do not read if you don’t want spoiler. This is like the end of the novel

PotatoPirate April 21, 2021 1:01 am

I read the raws and the ending is what others would count as satisfying. Isis and her family’s plan to overthrow the royal fam failed as the neighboring king who promised to help them overtake the kingdom was actually asher’s friend. The villains got what they deserved and was killed. Mielle was imprisoned then became a maid due to aria pleading not killing her. Their brother became a palace servant because aria also pleaded. Aria turns out to be a marquis (?) daughter from the neighboring kingdom. Her father fell for arias mither but due to circumstances he left. Aria’s father was actually the son of a royal in their current kingdom but the husband found out that aria’s father is not his biological son but from a noble in the neighboring kingdom so he threw them out. Aria’s mother married aria’s father in the end. What left a bad taste in my mouth is that aria gave mielle and cain hope that theyll be relieved of their current status as they became a commoner. as well as the father who became a cripple and aria’s mother giving him false hope that she’ll stay with him but she just took all his assets. I especially found the father pitiful because everything went downhill for him eversince he became a cripple (cause of mielle) and cain assumed his position. Aria ended up manipulating mielle and cain which made mielle kill her own brother accidentally. The father heard about what happened and committed suicide (?) I didnt like this development cause I just dont like people giving false hope. Although mielle deserved it, i wanted her just to suffer as a commoner and ultimately die. Another thing that left a bad taste is annie’s development. She became too haughty for me and was too much just because aria favored her and she was about to be a noble. I cant specifically remember what happened but i was a lil bit furious when it comes to her. Anyways, the down sides is really just for me. Pretty sure everyone is gonna like how this is going to end.

    tint April 21, 2021 5:01 am

    cool, but what about asher though? do they get married or smth?

    whitemoon7 April 21, 2021 6:34 am

    same honestly, like the fam sort of deserves whatever, but annie left an especially bad taste in my mouth...
    she was loyal but too entitled and i honestly didn't want her to continue being under aria bc she literally acts like a villain

    PotatoPirate April 21, 2021 8:35 am
    cool, but what about asher though? do they get married or smth? tint

    Yeah they got married!!

    PotatoPirate April 21, 2021 8:38 am
    same honestly, like the fam sort of deserves whatever, but annie left an especially bad taste in my mouth...she was loyal but too entitled and i honestly didn't want her to continue being under aria bc she lite... whitemoon7

    Right! It was so painful to read her parts cause she was being like that. I was even scared that she might ruin everything for aria because of how she was acting

    val April 22, 2021 2:21 am

    This is the most fascinating thing I’ve read this whole day

    Fujioshi_for_life April 23, 2021 7:21 am

    I saw “ the neighboring king who promised to help them overtake the kingdom was actually asher’s friend.” so now I am at peace

    PotatoPirate April 23, 2021 12:10 pm
    I saw “ the neighboring king who promised to help them overtake the kingdom was actually asher’s friend.” so now I am at peace Fujioshi_for_life

    They invested all their money for the other kingdom’s knights lodging and needs because the king asked them to but in the end they were “sike you thought u gonna be successful huh”