How do I save a tag?

Jen.Doan24 April 20, 2021 10:54 pm

Can you save or favourite tags so you can just go back to them instead of having to search for them every time? Also how do you get to the search tag bar?

    Psycho April 20, 2021 11:04 pm

    nah i dont think so but ur most popular ones are in the "tags i used before"

    search tag bar: go to homepage link and add: /tag/ (

    also, if u want to search a certain tag from ur tags and u r from ur computer just use: ctrl+F

    Moowy April 20, 2021 11:05 pm

    i guess bookmark the page of the tag? Lol
    Also the way I get to the search tab is by clicking a random manga on the home page> clicking a random tag> use the search bar lol