re reading this is so nice

ApparentlyASwarmOfBees April 20, 2021 10:27 pm

albeit kinda bittersweet as you can clearly see Jin woo's path to becoming less expressive, but he still has a kind heart for those hecares about
The most funny was how hwang was a major threat for him when he first learned he was hunting for him just so now he beat his ass up with little effort sfghgfds
also can we talk about how smoothly the story progresses???? it's more than 100 chapters and yet it doesn't even feels like such because the story flows in such a SMOOTH phace that it all just, fits together really nicelly

    I kick pregnant women April 20, 2021 11:02 pm

    the one thing i dont like about it, is when he first got the power to level up I feel like they should have shown more dungeon raids. Like just in general.