So umm.. imma be honest here. I’ve been living for 21 years and i never fall inlove with...

Nekoyuki aria April 20, 2021 3:02 pm

So umm.. imma be honest here. I’ve been living for 21 years and i never fall inlove with anyone let alone going out with someone (but ofc i have crushes) idk if im not reading enough manga/manhwa/manhua or novels about unrequited love but mostly that i came across, i never saw something like the teacher experienced, crying everyday, alcohol abuse, barely alive, basically being that depressed it looks so realistic. Bc mostly what i read, the character took it well and kinda reacts like Yuri did, ofc they cried but to be self destructive like the teacher is something new to me. Im trying to figure it out why is he suffering alot while they’re nothing but just a friend? It’s not like they in friend-with-benefit or sex-friend relationship or that the friend make sweet promises to the teacher that him to be so hurting suffering and depressed like that. Dont get me wrong, im saying this bc it’s sadden me seeing him like that but then again, i dont understand how human can be so broken bc of unrequited love? Does it hurt that much? Is it bc he set up hope so high it came down crashing? Tell me, is this actually happened irl to someone or is this simply just a character in this manhwa?

Btw sorry if my english’s sucks i hope it doesnt came out rude or ignorant im simply just curious

    Nemo April 20, 2021 3:01 pm

    I once cried Because of unrequited love. It hurts cause the person you like would never like you the same as how you view them. You know they can't be yours so you rather hide those feelings away so that your relationship won't change because you confess your feelings to them. I once confessed and I regret it cause I lost both my friend and crush.

    Bombdiggityshwa April 20, 2021 3:03 pm

    I definitely think it’s something that happens in real life. Though it’s never happened to me in that extent, if you really fall in love with someone especially for a long period of time you probably kinda hold on to this very slight hope that they might love you back. So, on top of his heartbreak, him getting married was probably the icing on the cake.

    I think the way people react is different for everyone, but I’ve seen friends of mine have it to a similar extent. Bc you love someone so much and put them first in your heart and then you find out they don’t even hold you anywhere near that special in their hearts.

    Dadu April 20, 2021 3:09 pm

    Yes, unrequitted love can be just as hurtful as to how it is potrayed in this manhwa take it from someone who ended up being stuck in an unrequitted love for more than 7 years and still screwing up basic human function and trying to prevent going from straight up depression but still went into a nose dive cause of it. (TДT)/
    Maybe cuz it was my first love but then again love is love and all of that glittery shit and one of the most hurtful type is when it's completely unrequitted, as some of us may know first love is when feelings gradually hit hard and for it to be unrequitted most people would actually end up feeling depressed and slumped cause of it, not for teenagers to go drunk but in some cases, it's also one of the causes for a teen to dwindle their life or end up somewhere bad and actually start doing things they haven't done before, "smoking, under aged drinking" from where i live during highschool 15 year olds would sneak in high intoxicating alcohols cause of a break up recreating what adults do when their life turns to shit (also one fo the main causes of teen pregnancy which leads to even more severe depression)

    Mei April 20, 2021 3:10 pm

    I think the reason for him to go so messed up is not only because of his unrequited love, along with that he was also down with the fact that with the teachers' thing and all and how distinct he feels with the students.

    Oatmeal April 20, 2021 3:28 pm

    At first I felt the same way you did - how can you love some one enough to self destruct. Then I realised, hey, I was just like that.

    So context, I liked this guy back in high school but he never paid me any attention. Maybe he was trying to be nice and just avoided me because he didn't feel the same way. Unfortunately that made me mad instead. Then that turned into self loathing - why doesn't he like me? Is it because I'm not worth loving? This in turn spiraled into depression and I acted out by being aggressive towards everyone - friends, teachers, family, anyone was fair game.

    I eventually learnt to be a (hopefully) decent human being but that took so many years and good friends. So long story short, yes, unrequited love can make a person do things you wouldn't think warranted such a reaction.

    blackrose April 20, 2021 5:28 pm
    I think the reason for him to go so messed up is not only because of his unrequited love, along with that he was also down with the fact that with the teachers' thing and all and how distinct he feels with th... Mei

    i agree with what you said. it's not only because of the unrequited love, but he is also depressed due to his lifestyle, his job and how the current affairs differs so much from the past. and it is becoming too much for him. he just feel tired with his life and there hasn't a single happy time for him. he just didn't know what he can do with the situation. thus, spiraling more into depression and self-hate.

    Nekoyuki aria April 21, 2021 1:12 pm

    My heart goes to yall who have been in this situation. Thankyou so much for sharing ur stories and answering my questions eventho it must’ve been hard on yall, i really appreciated it. I may not understand the pain but i do understand it now that it does happens irl and it effects other people differently and deeply. I used to think that unrequited love are nothing more than just a one side love that eventually would faded away but i learnt that it is more than that, it could effect other people’s mental health and i have to be careful and thoughtful not hurt anyone in the near future. I hope yall to heal and live a happy life and pls take care of yourself ╰(*´︶`*)╯*virtual hugs*