Fanfiction Part 3 - wherein He Tian and Red Head are in a broom closet...

Sumi April 7, 2016 6:01 pm

They were in a broom closet. He had no idea how they had got there. Oh, yeah, they were currently on a run. A poor excuse for one, considering that got locked up in a broom closet that that asshole He Tian had hauled him into. Things were starting to heat up, and a muscle in his jaw twitched as he thought about how peaceful and relatively less troublesome his day had been, at least it was until the asshole had chosen to destroy it with his obnoxiousness.

Blood roared in his ears as He Tian looked at him, a hint of uncertainty clouding his face. It vanished in the next second.

"Why don't you leave me alone, you asshole." His words were weak, and the bastard knew it as well. It wasn't even a question.

"I would if I could." The bastard had the gall to look innocent and troubled as he leaned in. "But I can't, you see? I get attracted to trouble."

"Find other ways to waste your time, dumb ass." He was irritable, and the broom closet wasn't an ideal place for his lanky limbs. He tried to maintain a safe distance from the asshole. There was no telling what might happen.

"This is crazy." A part of him wavered when his eyes flickered down to He Tian's lips. The bastard's tongue peeked out, a bold, red flicker, before disappearing inside. He inwardly groaned as the bastard raised an audacious eyebrow, as if he were really surprised.

"Don't fucking ask me!" He yelled, face flaming. "I d-"

"I get that you are extremely aroused." He Tian remarked, pressing a warm palm against his mouth. Scrabbling to remove the bastard's hand from his mouth, he tried his best to ignore the heady smell of musk as strands of his red hair limply hung over his temple, clinging to skin damp with exertion. The bastard smelled like home. He didn't know what was worse. "Try to control yourself."

He choked. That was the last thing he could ever hope to bear.

The bastard’s torso was pressed against his sweat-slicked back, and he could feel heat radiating from him. A chin was on his shoulder, a hand on his mouth and another one on his waist. He stamped his heel onto the bastard’s foot, and He Tian laughed quietly, moving away like an inconspicuous snake. The sudden loss of physical heat made him feel strange, and when there was another rap on the door, he glowered at the bastard.
One day, he’d punch the daylights out of the insufferable bastard. He Tian merely gave him a devious grin.

He was about to give the asshole a piece of his mind, when he thought he heard something.

There was a sudden rattle outside the door, which brought him out of his mental parade, and for a moment, he gave up his struggle in an effort to remain still. If they were caught, they'd both be fucked. He wasn't afraid of authority as such, but of the belligerent assholes who'd ruin his image. Gossip was one thing that all kids leeched onto like bloodsuckers. Not that he cared about his image. He could give a fuck about that. But the idea that he was found in a fucking small closet with the bastard was as unappealing as a week-old plate of chow mein. It seemed that the bastard had considered that as well, for he didn't make a sound.

For a while, there was only the sound of his harsh, trembling breathing. It was in those moments that he became hyper aware of several things. Small details. The way the bastard was gazing at him openly, completely unruffled and of how the bastard had an earthy, fresh smell that reminded him of ground cinnamon, and how he could smell the fruity gum the bastard had been chewing on earlier. Watermelon. He liked that. Somehow, that made the situation all the more weird. The bastard regarded him openly, with casual eyes that didn't seem to imply anything violent. He would be lying if he said that that wasn't terrifying.

They remained like that for a while, him pressed against the cabinet and He Tian leaning against the door. A few more centimeters in, and the bastard would smirking against his lips. Face flaming, he fixed his gaze on the floor. This was all a bad nightmare, he repeated to himself. Some bad karma that some idiot had wished upon him. He nearly jumped when the bastard's hands gripped his shoulders from the back.

"Wha-" He began hotly, but warm lips closed around his ear, silencing him momentarily. At this point, he was past the line of caring. There was such a thing called personal space, and the bastard needed to recognize that-

His brain froze as He Tian's arms banded around his waist, swinging him around to face the door. The door knob rattled mercilessly, as though someone were trying to force it open. He didn't think about the potentially disastrous repercussions if the door was opened. All he could think about were the warm hands around his stomach, and He Tian's damp hair tickling his jaw. Intoxication conquered him in one drowning wave.

When the door creaked with an ancient yawn, signalling that the person on the other side had managed to pry it open by a fraction, he came back to his senses, tensing. He was prepared to kick the unfortunate soul into oblivion.

"The bolt is rusted, sir!"

"Get it open, then. We aren't paying you janitors free money, you hear me?" A sharp voice, which he recognized as belonging to the Dean of the place. He swallowed. They were officially fucked.

"Yeah, yeah. I am opening it now." The janitor's nasal voice cut through his rapidly panicking mind.

He turned his head, his lips dragging over the bastard's ear. His heart was hammering relentlessly. The bastard merely smirked in the faint light coming from the window. There was a noisy creak behind him.

"What are you doing?" He whispered lowly, the gaggle of voices arguing outside nearly drowning out his voice.

"Making our life easier." Was the only thing the bastard said, before he was dragged into a cold, congested space. He Tian's elbow dug into his stomach, and he swore softly. There was another sound, before the cabinet door was swung shut, cutting off the voices almost instantaneously. His legs brushed against some cans, and his hands were dusty.

"We wait." The voices seemed so far away now.

There was a loud, tremendous creak as the rickety door was busted open, and through the small crack between the twin doors of the cabinet, torch light streamed in. He held his breath, He Tian's arm a warm length pressed against his own.

"Nothing in here." The Dean sounded puzzled. "I could've sworn that some infernal kids were making a ruckus in there-"

"I have to go clean the staff-room." The janitor interjected, sounding cross.

"Yes." He could hear the Dean coughing apologetically as the door was swung shut, and the torch light went out, shrouding both him and the bastard in the darkness. He couldn't make out the rest of the voices, but it was evident that they wouldn't be spotted any time soon. He let out an involuntary curse.

"Damn." He mopped his brow. "That was legend."

"I know." The bastard sounded smug, and oddly mischievous. Exhilaration filled his chest.

"Are you fucking kidding' me?" He asked incredulously. "That was some quick thinking, for a moron."

He couldn't read the bastard's expression in the pitch black darkness, but there was a low, contented hum. For once, rage didn't consume him like a volatile miasma. He awkwardly brushed back his sweat-matted hair, wanting to break the silence with a punch line.

"We have to get out." He said roughly. "Can't risk-"

One moment, he was languidly leaning against the door. In the next, hands grappled his hips and twisted him around by pure force, crushing him against the back wall of the cabinet. He was pushed up against the wall with a stunning urgency, and his knees buckled. He Tian didn't say anything, and while it was fucking unfair that he could read any of the bastard's expression, he could only imagine the silken feel of the bastard's mouth around his ear. Dexterous, nimble fingers curled around his neck, and his instinctual need was to lean in.

Pissed off, he did, and there was a still, shocking pause that screamed for him to stop. It was now or never, and it echoed in his head. Now or never. The bastard's scent was overwhelming, and there were so many confusing little factors.

'Fuck it.' He thought, even as warm lips parted over his own, pressing against his like dewdrops. His synapses were on fire, and every nerve ending us body seemed to be hyperalert. The bastard reared back, and he couldn't help but follow like a blind idiot.

"You want more? Haha." The bastard's voice had cracked. Fucking moron. Even his laugh was unsteady. Who was he fooling, putting up a delusional front like that?

"F-fuck." Was the only thing he said in reply, and the bastard's lips closed around his yet again, and all trail of thought dissolved into nothingness.

Apparently, his brain had been fucked thoroughly.

This time, it was rough, insistent, and he shut his eyes tightly. A warm, hot flush raced up his skin with dizzying intensity, as the bastard kissed him again. And again. He didn't stop, even when the bell rang. Both of them had lost all sense of time. When the bastard forced a probing, hot tongue in, his elbow jerked back reflexively, and in the red haze of his mind, he heard the metal can rolling about noisily on the cabinet platform, having been knocked over.

"We n-need to-" He held the bastard at bay with his hands, pressing his palms against a solid chest, panting. "-need to g-go."

"I want more. And I'll have what I want." The tone of He Tian's voice was unruffled. Casual. It drove him crazy.

"Find someone else to experiment on, fuck." He snapped, kicking the cabinet door open. The broom closet wasn't locked anymore, having been opened on the instruction of the Dean. What the fuck was he doing with the bastard. With a pained expression, he looked over his shoulder, to meet the bastard's eyes. He Tian was looking straight at him with a smug, self-satisfied expression that reminded him of a sly Cheshire cat.

"What?" He barked out, face scalding rapidly.

"Nothing." The bastard shrugged, hands in his his pockets as he brushed past him, walking out of the closet. "See you around, red."

With that, the bastard left, without as much as sparing him a second glance. His knees buckled, and he slumped down against a wall. What the fuck had just happened?


(Hides under blankets)

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 5:10 pm

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG I am so in LOVE with your story!!! It makes me so happy to read while having to wait for new chapters. Thanks so much for making the wait easier <3 I can't wait to find out what happens in your story, you are such a great writer!

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 6:23 pm
    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG I am so in LOVE with your story!!! It makes me so happy to read while having to wait for new chapters. Thanks so much for making the wait easier <3 I can't wait to find out what happens in yo... @Anonymous

    OWOWOWOWOOWO this is so well written! I loved the broom closet scene, I am dying for more now! ahahah omg now I am waiting for an update on the this manga and your story hahah

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 6:24 pm

    SUMIIIIIIIIIIII you are the best!! Please continue writing this amazing story!

    Blue Dragonfly April 6, 2016 8:10 pm

    YEEEEESSSSSSS ლ(°Д °ლ) Thank You so much! (╯´ڡ`)╯╧╧
    This is heaven <3

    Ellaetc April 6, 2016 10:09 pm

    I really love it! Thank you so much for writing it!!!!

    Coo April 7, 2016 12:00 am

    Love it!! I was blushing, lol. Can't wait for more. It's really satisfying to read something like this when we don't know if or when these two will get anywhere in the comic.

    Brissa April 7, 2016 10:23 am

    Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~! OMFG Just continue it! It makes the wait easier and it's just... just... I don't know if I'm writing correctly here, but fuck grammar, I'm too excited to pay attention to such things >w< Please keep writing <3 <3 <3 ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Ros-chan April 8, 2016 4:38 pm


    Lita April 11, 2016 5:28 pm

    that's so good, can't wait for part4

    Yo April 11, 2016 7:41 pm

    GAAH. Sensei is taking some time to update, and now you. ┗( T﹏T )┛

    SugarySuga April 12, 2016 5:01 am


    Anonymous April 12, 2016 8:50 pm
