I think they talk about The Walking Dead tv series

Yeah, Glenn can still give so much to the show. However, if he dies I can live with that, but if his unborn child dies as well I will just stop watching, because I'm tired of seeing creators giving Glenn so much SHIT over and over again. He deserves to have a son continuing his bloodline. And the baby will be a kind of memento of him as well.

I think Negan likes Carl, plus he said at one point 'if anyone screams take the kid's other eye out and feed it to--' which means he's not facing Carl that time. If it's Glenn I'm gonna stop watching though.
Funny thing is that everyone's saying that Maggie's child is eating her. People can be so cynical lol.

XD I guess they think since the baby might be dead it's gonna effect the mother's blood or something... Anyways, I don't know how unborn children work in a zombie apocalypse, but I know one thing - I'm totally digging the idea of babies having an immunity towards a zombie virus XD That would be kinda awesome ^_^

Negan is suppose to be a conqueror not a destroyer. It would be cool if he killed a major character. It's not gonna be Glenn. His death is already a joke (you know, dumpster?). I have a feeling it's gonna be Abraham and if it is I will disappointed because we haven't really spent to much time with him to get to know him. Which sucks cuz he's cool! When they introduce Negan your suppose to hate/ fear him and what better to do that by killing Glenn. If he doesn't then he's not gonna have that same impact just an "ok side character gone so it's ok doesn't matter."
It's an unpopular opinion but thanks for hearing me out.

I know what you mean and I agree 100%. I really don't want it tto be either Abraham or any other side character. I think it should be Daryl, I will be fine with him leaving. I know it's weird, he is arguably the best character and a fan-favorite, I totally love Norman as well, but every character he had a bond with has been killed off (except for Carol, but she has her own story with Morgan these past episodes), It almost feels like, even if he survives and gets cured, he has nothing to live for. It's a pragmatic way of thinking, but so are the circumstances in the show, population needs a future father more than an asexual all-round good/hot guy XD But then again, not a single death meant SHIT so far in the show, Kirkman kills of characters because he needs to shock readers and sell the story, I absolutely disliked every single death of every single character, but fortunately, my favorites are still alive, so, I'm fine. Besides, I'm not complaining, it's up to writers, what happens to characters, I just have to watch it or not watch it - that is what's up to me XD
This is a good read after watching that cr^^^ TWD cliffhanger. Lmao. sorry