I have the spoiler where they had seggs

A hamster on the loose April 20, 2021 1:22 am


Chapter 94

Somehow I looked at her and made a difficult expression to explain. If so, it all made sense.

Even now, the body I touched was hot.

Roxana found it difficult to tell whether it was the heat passed from Cassis or the heat that began to spread out of her.

The words of Cassis, which I had just heard in the garden, were rewound in my ears.

<flashback><i>“I thought about my trust with Whiperion and treated me with courtesy, but I forsook it first and threatened my people. From this moment on, I will be considered as an unwelcome.”</i></flashback>

My people.

Apparently I left her as my man.

Somehow my heart was tickling.

It hasn't been hit by this kind of poisonous butterfly, because it's a lot of pure energy from Cassis these days.

Perhaps it was because I had to recover my body so much that it was excessive last night.

Roxana's eyes slipped down.

“If you are really worried… … .”

Finally, she slowly whispered with her lips open and sugar-like.

“You can heal. Like you did last night.”

At that moment, Cassis's pace stopped.

Soon there was a gaze at Jicheok.

Roxana smiled beautifully after seeing her terrible thirst and aspirations in her eyes.

After all, she didn't seem to be the only one who was sorry for what she did last night.

* * *

As soon as I entered the room and closed the door, Roxana kissed Cassis' chin as if a bird were beaking in her beak. It's as if you're squeezing something on him.

As Cassidy replied, Cassis did not delay a bit and swallowed Roxana's red lips.

Inhalation and exhalation were mixed. The screeching sound of the entangled hot tongue irritated the ears.

In a moment, the body soared.

In the blink of an eye, Roxana lay down on a soft bed. Cassis's solid body struck over it.


From Roxana's neck, a sneaky groan leaked out like a cat rattles.

Cassis' hand on his shoulder slipped down on his back.

Cassis' arms, which were wrapped around Roxana's slim waist, were tighter.

Cassis vehemently greeted the man in front of him as if the reins that had been holding him back were released.

When I uncovered the forehead, and finally buried my lips in the exposed white nape, a small moan filled my ears.

Even it was so fragrant and sweet that it seemed to be drunk.

As of this moment, instinct has overwhelmed everything else.

Cassis left a trace on her nape as if it were a beast that carved my trace on a female.

There were already traces of what he had engraved last night. Cassis has a new trace next to it.

His hot lips gradually passed down the collarbone.

His big hand covered the rounded chest.

“Oh, Cassis… … .”

As I seduced him, Nongik whispered his name with a mouth full of sweet-smelling peaks.

His hands did not hurt his hair, not knowing if he was pushing or pulling.

"Please repeat what you said earlier."

Cassis moved his hand to sweep Roxana's legs from his waist.

The hem in his hand gradually pushed downward, revealing a white flesh.

"I'm yours?"

Roxana, lying on a white sheet with her gold hair curled up and half-naked her naked, was so beautiful that her heart would be broken.

The flowers seemed to splatter on the lips with glowing eyes and moist lips.

The red pupil looked up at him from below.

But the misfortune in her eyes made her feel like she was looking down at her.

“Yes, you are mine.”

As a sweet whisper broke the only truth in the world, it came through the eardrum without a single point of shaking. Cassis stopped breathing for a moment.

“It's been mine all three years ago.”

Emotions resembling Hee-yeol swallowed him from head to toe.

The words I reaffirmed with Roxana's mouth were extremely satisfying.

Cassis kissed her again, feeling like a fat beast.

All kinds of things without shape were poured out as if they were going to devour two people.

What they were doing was a very greedy act of stealing and stealing something from each other.

Cassis and Roxana, without a single concession, messed up their desires by releasing my desires to the point where they overwhelmed the body.

It felt as if it melted in hot heat from head to toe and became a lump.

The boundary dividing the two gradually disappeared.

Nothing else could be thought of, as only the people in contact were each other's only world.

Maybe I should call it the most complete and perfect fulfillment in the world.

Cassis and Roxana have left their bodies to the thrilling sensations over and over again.

Ah… … .

At this moment, it seemed like the world would be destroyed.

* * *

10. Dolls and masquerade night

Suddenly, there was a dark darkness in the room.

"Sigh… … Huh."

A wet sound rang from the lip.

The moaning of the weak mucous membrane and the moaning of the tongue were raised like a honeydew.

Roxana's hand was entangled between Cassis's silver hair.

The two were still entangled on the bed.

From daytime to late in the evening, this time, the storm fell like a storm.

I didn't know how many hours had passed or how many times I had already accepted Cassis.

When I finally recognized it, the sun that had soared atop the sky for a long time was now hidden.

During the affair, it was bright day and night outside, but neither of them was in the middle of it.

When Roxana's arm around Cassis's back slipped down, the motion stopped.

Now they weren't both wearing a thread.

When Cassis lifted his torso slightly with his arm as a support, the upper body with a balanced muscle came into view.

On the nape of Cassis, the marks that Roxana had previously bitten because of her excitement were inscribed.

Cassis behaved worse than Roxana, so I don't know about it, but now her body must be in worse condition.

“… … tiring?"

A voice sinking low enough that the back of the tail was squished flowed into the ear.

Her eyes, looking down at her, had a fever that had not yet passed.

Cassis's lower lip, which was breathtakingly colored, resealed and then released.

Then he brushed her hair and shook her head, licking her earlobe.

In the meantime, pure energy flowed through the body.

The series of actions was very pitiful and gentle, but should not be fooled by it.

As proof, Cassis fixed Roxana's legs to make them wider, and then sucked her neck this time.

“I will do whatever I want… … Ask me what to do... … 읏.”

A huge stimulus came back strong.

Really, I'm not giving sickness or medicine.

What do you do if you recover your energy to the best? I'm pulling the jeans out of the boat again.

After thinking about it, hoo, a shallow smile was scattered over her face.

"That is so."

After that, the body overlapped more deeply than before, and Roxana exhaled her repressed breath.

If you say it's really hard, ask if you want to quit right away.

But it was all a lie. Already a few times he was ignoring her will.

I didn't know how to find and stimulate only the place where she responded to such a subject.

Even now, as soon as Cassis touched his body a little using his hands and lips, a moan, far from the meaning of rejection, vomited out of his mouth.

Roxana fought back because Cassis was slightly out of control.

“Ugh… … .”

Then Cassis' eyes were deeply frowned for a moment. The rough sound that leaked from him scratched the eardrum.

Cassis, ascetic and tidy enough to feel sanctified, was nowhere else.

Only a man caught in lust looked down at her with a burning gaze and poured a rough kiss as if to eat.

Eventually, after reaching another peak of pleasure, she could be released from Cassis.

Roxana was so exhausting that it was hard to have a single finger.

I looked out the window with a flimsy view.

It was dark as if the outside exposed through the curtains could not be seen a inch ahead.

I wanted to sleep a bit without thinking.

However, as Cassis did not intend to put her to sleep, this time, she grasped the slender ankle and chewed her tender skin.

It was the very part where I was caught in impulse when I gave God to Roxana the last time, and I touched it without my knowledge


How to protect a heroine's brother Episode 97

There was a dark glow in his eyes, looking down on Roxana, leaving a mark on his ankle.

Still lacking.

From the head to the toe, it seemed that I could be satisfied only by imprinting my traces on Roxana's body.

"now stop… … Ugh, do it.”

Roxana couldn't stand it any more and pulled the ankle out of Cassis's hand.

Of course, only at the beginning, Roxana enjoyed this act, showing a similar aggressiveness to Cassis.

Eventually, however, she lifted the white flag first.

Cassis, who was completely out of control, wasn't really a joke.

I wasn't sure how to endure on this subject until now.

When Roxana pushed her away as if it were really no more, Cassis followed her doctor relatively innocently.

Regrets remained in the hands that let go of Roxana's ankle.

So far, Cassis has avoided contacting Roxana to the point where it seems somewhat sloppy.

Of course, the contact did not indicate a simple meaning.

In the meantime, Cassis used to hold her in her arms as if she couldn't even tolerate Roxana's feet on the floor, putting her lips on her daily to give her vitality.

However, I have been extremely cautious about contact with the meaning of sexuality, except when I rarely endured and kissed Roxana rarely.

The reason was that it seemed to be as it is now.

Cassis has never thought that he was self-control while he was living.

But that idea was broken up by today.

Cassis lay face to face with Roxana, sweeping her hair over her forehead.

Her affectionate touch and eyes poured down on her.

Roxana's face, feeling it, was loosened.

Cassis's expression of seeing her exhausted became mysterious.

"Is it really bothering you?"

No, like I realized now... … .

“Do you know that now?”

Instead of reflecting, Cassis said rather exhaledly.

“I also need to improve my fitness. It's so tiring.”

… … Isn't it crazy?

Roxana saw her Cassis with her eyes closed and repulsively.

“I am not tired easily, but you are not normal… … .”

However, there was no power to judge.

So she just struck her face and buried Cassis' chest on her face.

Cassis also pulled Roxana closer and embraced it.

His hands gently swung up and down her head and back.


Soon Cassis called her name in a relaxed tone.

I wasn't hoping for an answer anyway, but I just felt like I was confirming to myself that the person next to her was her.

So Roxana didn't answer.


However, she seems to be wrong.

He called her again.

So this time, Roxana also answered.

“Yes, Cassis… … .”

Cassis's arms, lying in bed and hugging her, were large and warm. So maybe my eyes closed.

But is it because of your mood?

It's okay until the hand on the head goes a little further down, but for some reason, it feels strangely moving as you scrutinize your back. … .

Roxana shuddered as she slowly touched her fingers as if she were drawing a contour of the body, irritating sensitive areas.

Maybe it wasn't her illusion. At the moment, I fell asleep.

"awhile… … . Isn't that what you want to do again?"

Roxana asked, because he wasn't sure.

You still have the energy to do that?

It was ridiculous. I've been doing that all the time from the previous time.

No, of course, a little while ago, she was fooling around with her ankle, but still... … .

However, Cassis whispered her lips tightly to her exposed white neck as if Roxana's thoughts were not wrong.

"only once."

No, that one must be a little... … .

But the moment I met my eyes, I refused to say why.

Cassis at night overflowed with more fatal charms than during the day, and it seemed like this was a dreamer who came to her.

Cassie has kissed her while Roxana has lost her words. It was a very sweet and dense kiss.

The body was heated up as if the scrambled saliva had become an addictive drug.

By that time, Roxana just doesn't know Era... … I thought.

So in the end, she gave up refusing Cassis and responded to the kiss.

Cassis's hands touched deep, sweeping the thighs inwardly.

Roxana groaned a little, then pushed Cassis' body and climbed over him.

The field of vision has changed, and this time Roxana overlooks Cassis.

Cassis glanced at her, holding Roxana's waist and looking up at her.

Roxana's mouth had a faintly satisfying smile.

After all, this was a favorite scene.

“This time, I’m going to do it from above. You… … .”

Roxana's hand touched Cassis' eyes.

As she lowered her head, her hair flowed over Cassis. Gold and silver threads were mixed in one place.

Roxana whispered arrogantly, as Cassis ordered to the lips.

“Just moan me and just moan.”

At that moment, a flash of hot flash passed through the eyes full of desires that were dark enough to feel dark.

It seemed that the sparkling embers were splashing in the golden eyes with the salt.

Roxana was really in that state.

The next moment, Cassis, who pulled Roxana's back a little rough, swallowed her lips in a hurry.

Roxana enjoyed the reaction of Cassis, and began to move slowly as a tease.

Yes, so it could be said that Roxana's self-sufficiency was, in a sense, the fact that the re-launched affair did not end in one time.

* * *

… … Isn't it a little crazy?

I belatedly reflected my arrogance and foolishness.

Cassis and I have been locked in the room for the next three days.

Of course, it was obvious that we had done so far.

Except for the basic time of eating, sleeping, and washing, it seemed that I had forgotten day and night and devoted myself to pleasure.

In the meantime, nothing else in reality entered into the joy.

No matter how much it is, it was a little too bad.

I sat at the table and took a shallow breath while having a late breakfast with Cassis.

“I asked.”

In the meantime, Cassis stretched out and reached out to me.

His fingers swung through my mouth.

I inadvertently licked it.

At that moment Cassis' hand stopped.

Cassis's eyes on my face grew quickly.

"Oh sorry. mistake."

I said so intently, and then I leaned my head back and continued eating.

However, I felt a little frustrated inside.

Because of the three-day aftermath, I acted reflexively without my knowledge.

I really swear, this wasn't the case because I wanted to stimulate Cassis again and stay in the room.

Luckily Cassis raised his hand from me.



    jiri April 20, 2021 1:37 am

    novel link?ヾ(☆▽☆)

    A hamster on the loose April 20, 2021 1:41 am
    novel link?ヾ(☆▽☆) jiri

    I don't have it I just saw the spoiler ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Aone_1428 April 20, 2021 1:42 am


    akatsukinorequiem April 20, 2021 1:42 am

    lmao just how many times did they do it

    Zen April 20, 2021 1:45 am
    novel link?ヾ(☆▽☆) jiri

    Folllowing ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    what April 20, 2021 1:54 am

    Oh shit?

    Akari Himari April 20, 2021 2:02 am


    nana April 20, 2021 2:10 am

    I wish they made Cassis hotter, or at least hotter than the brothers

    Akari Himari April 20, 2021 2:11 am
    I wish they made Cassis hotter, or at least hotter than the brothers nana


    akatsukinorequiem April 20, 2021 2:14 am
    I wish they made Cassis hotter, or at least hotter than the brothers nana

    probably because the silver hair makes him look like a 2nd ML since we're used to the dark haired daddy type lmao

    Nerri April 20, 2021 12:14 pm

    I might probably go straight to hell when i subtly slightly hope it was dion.

    nana April 20, 2021 10:19 pm
    I might probably go straight to hell when i subtly slightly hope it was dion. Nerri