who tf was talking to u fucking dumb bitch fucking weirdo.Also on top of that, u shouldn't be fucking talking with that name fucking dumbass. Also, you're also a fucking minor reading this weird shit.Mf u got u so mad u had to fucking comment fucking clown.Another thing is fuck u your mother, father,sister, and brother I hope u and them burn to hell bitch

just gonna leave this here... there's always that one person that goes in knowing full well what is happening and still has the audacity to complain like they're some sort of higher superior being. can you just fucking get off this site... and of course, has to be an entitled minor that does this kinda shit that isn't even supposed to be in this kind of site. there are definitely a lot of manga sites out there that doesn't have something this "gross." but hey, welcome to the dark side
bye this is gross they’re minors why are we sexualizing them