The beautiful man who carries a heavy fate...

blackdia April 5, 2016 10:19 pm

My one and only reason to go on with this story is Fei Long. I adore him, he reminds me of someone. Of course the manga itself is a masterpiece, but it's kinda laborious after all this time, for me, and the story is like loosing attraction to my eyes… but I'll hold on, because I can't miss Fei Long, whenever he might come back. If I ever felt in love with someone else's character, that's him. Thanks for the update to Ch. 3!

    LadyLigeia April 5, 2016 10:23 pm

    I understand you, he's so interesting...and so dark. *O* :)

    blackdia April 5, 2016 10:30 pm
    I understand you, he's so interesting...and so dark. *O* :) LadyLigeia

    he's so familiar, to me, it was a shock to see him portrayed in a manga. I could easily say, my favorite character ever. Asami must be stupid, not to be head over heels for him. Maybe, the idea of someone who would be his peer is too much, for him.

    Reality bites April 5, 2016 10:48 pm

    the reason(s) it would never work two dark dragons together would wind up eating each other. They could never learn to trust one another or share their power. Asami is not an idiot. would FeiLong give up Being the head of Baishe to be with him? Asami would not give up his role in Jpn. also Talaba does not pose the same threat to Asami (Take over) that Fei could. they are both proud men and like the leadership role. Neither would give that up. Takaba compliments Asami in a way that is private, not public. He has no part in is bus. side. In my opn. that is why FEI/Asami would not work. and Asami never loved Fei that way.

    Anonymous April 5, 2016 11:05 pm
    the reason(s) it would never work two dark dragons together would wind up eating each other. They could never learn to trust one another or share their power. Asami is not an idiot. would FeiLong give up Being... @Reality bites

    I never saw the problem there. First of all, the argument that they are too much alike, that often comes up: I don't see that. In my country we have a proverb that says equeals love seeking each other's company. Why shouldn't two strong individuals form a great partnership? Why should one have to be the leader and the other, consequently, have to be the follower or weaker person? My husband and I are both very strong, very headstrong, likeminded and similar people. Do we fight? Sure. But we have learned to commit, cooperate, to compromise and most of all: to respect. Why should it just be one person taking the lead constantly? It's a partnership of equals. The lead changes constantly. In this case, both men are cut frorm the same cloth and could complete each other perfectly. I also don't see a problem keeping business and private affairs apart (my husband and I run our company together). These guys are not mental toddlers. Had the circumstances been better they could have and would have worked out how to make a business and private partnership work.

    I love seeing Asami and Akihito together. But I don't believe for a second that Asami and Fei wouldn't have worked.

    LadyLigeia April 5, 2016 11:25 pm
    he's so familiar, to me, it was a shock to see him portrayed in a manga. I could easily say, my favorite character ever. Asami must be stupid, not to be head over heels for him. Maybe, the idea of someone who w... blackdia

    He remembers me so much the dark ladies of Edgar A. Poe: Berenice, Morella, Lady Ligeia. That's the reason I love his character so much. :). I'm agree with you about Asami, in his place I would fall in love with Fei completely, *o*

    LadyLigeia April 5, 2016 11:30 pm
    I never saw the problem there. First of all, the argument that they are too much alike, that often comes up: I don't see that. In my country we have a proverb that says equeals love seeking each other's company... @Anonymous

    Don't forget that this story, as it is outlined, is more stereotyped than real life. Also my husband and I are very similar in our everyday life and it doesn't matter. :)

    reponce April 6, 2016 12:15 am
    he's so familiar, to me, it was a shock to see him portrayed in a manga. I could easily say, my favorite character ever. Asami must be stupid, not to be head over heels for him. Maybe, the idea of someone who w... blackdia

    i don' know but perhaps you will love read castel heaven. read it and tell me if it's to your taste!

    Reality bites April 6, 2016 12:43 am

    Whose power will he side with? We are not talking abt. any . We are talking abt. the kind that can get you killed if you piss off the wrong people. If a deal goes bad Asami is on one side and Fei is on the other how do you chose? who makes the choice? Suppose there is a war and they are have to chose sides bec. of who they are?( you forget FeILong is head of Baishe). Fei can't just walk away from that and he would'nt,

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 1:18 am

    Fei Long is also my favorite character, I adore him so, and so I understand your pain of not having him in the manga. While I do think Asami and Fei Long are a good match in theory, remember that Asami was TASKED with leading Fei Long away from his roots. He does begin to care somewhat, but not enough to be love-- and he abandons Fei Long and goes back to Japan anyway. Fei Long despised Asami for leaving him alive, because he left him alone.

    But what I do think is interesting is how Asami placed his man, Yoh, in prison with Fei Long for all those years. Was this his way of watching over him? Or was it simply a matter of having a double agent to keep over a newly made enemy? But I digress...

    In the novel Fei Long seems to make up his mind to move on from Asami anyway. So I don't think there's hope for an Asami/Fei relationship. But I would like to see them together more. Perhaps they'll team up to take down Mikhail?

    blackdia April 6, 2016 2:08 am
    i don' know but perhaps you will love read castel heaven. read it and tell me if it's to your taste! reponce

    I can tell you instantly that it's probably in my top three…but when I read it, I think it's my absolute favorite. It's the kinda thing that… let it go. Let's say I love it ; thanks anyway, the tip was good!!!

    blackdia April 6, 2016 2:29 am

    I'll answer to the rest of you replies all together. First, thank you for replying! Well…. I can understand @Reality bites' point of view as well @Anonymous'. In a way, you're both right. These are mafia bosses, they can't simply go with the flow. They have to be in control, I perfectly know, but still, this is a manga, and it's full of non-senses anyway (thank God. We have enough of reality in real life). The real question is whether or not they might have built a common business; in that case, it would have been a matter of personalities. My first impression, the first time I read it, was that Asami had for Fei Long a respect he simply never shows for Akihito. It really seemed he was a little bit too much involved. Here I appeal on my own personal taste; Akihito is pretty, Fei Long is astonishing. What do you want for more, for yourself? And Fei Long is even much erotic, as a lover, lascivious. Besides, Asami is a M. And I highly doubt Fei would allow him all those nasty little games he loves to play with his boytoy. But that's the point. Asami, in my opinion, is not portrayed as a realistic masochist, that would mean someone really weak in the end, insecure of himself, Asami is portrayed as a very strong man and, as someone pointed out, he helped building Fei Long's position. Yes, he loves S&M but he's not an addicted, that man does not get addicted to anything. He's free, he can choose his path. So…it's all really twisted. Not to mention the scene where they met at the hot-spring and they used Akihito just to play together. That's a plain excuse to have sex together without admitting, and I go with Fei, "this is really something". What I do not want to see in the future, is Tao becoming Fei's lover. I have a higher opinion of Fei Long. He should not pair with a young and innocent boy, but with a man that can stand in front of him and be his equal. That's true love, girls, not a man that spends most of his time humiliating a silly boy to make him feel who is the master. Asami is better than that, I know, but as far as the story as gone, he still has to prove it. My impression is that time…not only Fei Long, but the both of them lost the occasion that comes only once in a life time.

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 3:24 am
    I'll answer to the rest of you replies all together. First, thank you for replying! Well…. I can understand @Reality bites' point of view as well @Anonymous'. In a way, you're both right. These are mafia bos... blackdia

    Fei Long will never be with Tao. Tao is Fei Long's nephew. The dream he has he even says: I dreamed something monstrous.

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 3:31 am
    I'll answer to the rest of you replies all together. First, thank you for replying! Well…. I can understand @Reality bites' point of view as well @Anonymous'. In a way, you're both right. These are mafia bos... blackdia

    The hot spring bonus chapter is an AU for fanservice. It's not canon and didn't actually happen. And yeah Tao is Fei Long's nephew so dont worry about them being together lol

    At the end of the novel Fei Long and Yoh seem to be on track to end up together.

    LadyLigeia April 6, 2016 3:40 am
    Fei Long is also my favorite character, I adore him so, and so I understand your pain of not having him in the manga. While I do think Asami and Fei Long are a good match in theory, remember that Asami was TASK... @Anonymous

    From my point of view Asami didn't abadon Feilong voluntarily, in my opinion something happened between the moment Fei fell unconscious after his biological father shot him and the moment he woke up in the hospital. What if Asami needed to pull all of his strings to get himself out of the s**t that time (because he killed a politician)?

    LadyLigeia April 6, 2016 3:48 am
    From my point of view Asami didn't abadon Feilong voluntarily, in my opinion something happened between the moment Fei fell unconscious after his biological father shot him and the moment he woke up in the hosp... LadyLigeia

    And was left with no other option than go away from Fei and Hong Kong?

    mhb April 6, 2016 4:00 am
    I never saw the problem there. First of all, the argument that they are too much alike, that often comes up: I don't see that. In my country we have a proverb that says equeals love seeking each other's company... @Anonymous

    I agreed with Reality Bites.
    What @Anonymous said is also true for couple who have common goals and work together to achieve them even when they are headstrong. However, the story line is not about regular people who have strong personalities get together and build a company. This is a story of 2 powerful underground leaders from 2 different countries who want to expand their territories to outside their home countries yet do not have the intentions to give in to one-another. Each of these men has responsibilities and obligations toward their subordinates. The fact is people from one country do not trust others from another country when their loyalties are in question. Feilong's people are devoted to him and stay faithful to him, that means they would have problem listening to Asami and same goes the other way around also. By saying Asami and Feilong can make their relationship works is like saying it's okay for the US president to marry the Queen of England just because they are good together and it can work and they can run their own countries impartially.

    Lightasus April 6, 2016 4:03 am
    The hot spring bonus chapter is an AU for fanservice. It's not canon and didn't actually happen. And yeah Tao is Fei Long's nephew so dont worry about them being together lolAt the end of the novel Fei Long and... @Anonymous

    Fanservice does not equal AU necessarily.

    Anonymous April 6, 2016 5:39 am

    Fei fans can't accept that Fei has not been a major part of this manga since many years ago and he will never be again. I don't see him getting an arc to himself which is what would be required to realistically pair him up with either Yoh or Mikhail without giving it a very rushed feeling. So I don't see that happy ending happening for him. Fei is beautiful but his character is so dull and angsty that if I were Asami I'd pick Akihito all the way too. Who wants to be in a relationship with a man who's basically still hung up on events that happened 7 years ago and is showing obsessive tendencies towards you. Definitely not me. Even if he was gorgeous, sorry I'm out. Apparently Asami aka sensei shares the same sentiments since they chose Akihito as well. It's done, it's over. Fei will always be that unrequited love angst character. It's kind of ironic how Fei was unable to move on and it's mirrored back in Fei's fans as well.

    Anoni Grrl April 6, 2016 7:26 am
    From my point of view Asami didn't abadon Feilong voluntarily, in my opinion something happened between the moment Fei fell unconscious after his biological father shot him and the moment he woke up in the hosp... LadyLigeia

    You are reminding me of Casablanca again. "Listen, Fei, it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three horny people don't amount to amount to a hill of beans in this world. "

    mika April 6, 2016 7:39 am

    Why can all three of them just partner up for threesome and live happily ever after cause I love all three of them can't choose.