The princess is annoying. Half of it isn't her fault since she annoys me just because she ...

akera April 20, 2021 8:43 am

The princess is annoying. Half of it isn't her fault since she annoys me just because she is thr master and the MC is a slave who is stronger and smarter than her. Masters are often weaker but she contributes to nothing. He does everything . It's not unheard of but it still bothers me

    Ticktokbomb May 2, 2021 10:00 am

    Well I mean he is a slave not her boyfriend or her husband he's meant to protect her with his life and help her grow doesn't matter if she is weak and she is originally from a backwater country so it'd be weird if she was extremely competent but still couldn't help her country grow and ars has lived a life of royalty and was a prince that who was a major contributor to his own country so ars taking the rope in helping her and guiding her would make sense