by the way, it's not the ending that people have the problem - it's the WRITING of the whole story together is the problem. so saying who she end up not suppose to ruin anything for you, since it is clear who she will end up, show me an isakai the FL didn't end up with the prince and I show you 50 isakai FL will always end up with prince. and no one have any problem with this cliche, most of the time ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so yeas you miss the point even if you try to say "spoiler is bad" but it isn't a spoiler, it is a cliche.

I'm talking about the people who have been complaining about the novel spoilers since this manga only had five chapters. Everyone knew how this was going to end. Everyone had the spoilers. So the fact that people are still here complaining? Is weird behavior.
It doesnt matter if its the usual "shitty" trope. As you said, there are dozens of other isekai where the FL ends up with the man who killed her. That makes all these complaints even stranger, in hindsight. This was a wellwritten manga, i saw all the characters develop differently—i dont think the writing was cliche at all. It showed growth.

people complaining about something is weird? dude do you seen twitter? XD people will complain and will keep complaining about anything and everything. it never bothers me and it should not bother you. if people want to complain then good for them? why is it a problem for you?
" FL ends up with the man who killed her." that's where you wrong! I said FL that end up with the PRINCE, not the one who killed them. and even if they did kill them, the writing needs to be in a way that makes sense for the FL to even consider.
here in this story the writing is so bad and the massage is so bad, that her end up with her "killer" isn't the real problem, you forget also her rapist too.
let me ask you, again, what "develop" are you talking about? what growth are you talking about? the FL still don't know what real love is and still obsessive over her rapist, the prince didn't change that much since he himself admitted that he would do the same thing cause he hated her from childhood for YEARS! he just like the FL now cause she play hard to get and that turn him on ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ the other characters, two guys that could be better than repist prince didn't change much either other than them still in love with dumb FL and throw away like chess tools (thanks to author, really thanks!)
the FL never had a choice from the start but to end with her rapist, and she should forgive him like nothing happens in the past cause....shitty plot wants this.
there is so many problems with this plot and I don't have the patience to say it all, you won't even listen anyway. so if you enjoy this, good for you, but it is still a bad writing story, it is a fact and it won't change.

it’s still a spoiler. just because you read 20 fantasy books where the hero wins, and you see your friend starting one, you’re going to tell them: “oh, the hero wins in that story and everything is happily ever after.” right? because in most fantasy books the hero will win, so it’s just a cliche, not a spoiler, right? it’s still a spoiler... a spoiler relates to the plot of the book, whether it’s something cliche or not. and it’s bold to assume out of the 197k+ people that read the isekai, they all have read a ton and just KNOW she’ll be with the blue haired guy. that’s obviously not the case since people have been excited about carsein from the beginning and claiming he would be endgame since he was cover. a spoiler is a spoiler.
and regardless, “it’s the plot people have a problem with”. spoiling the entire plot because you hate it IS STILL a spoiler. mark it as a spoiler first. you’re defending this so hard bc you don’t lol. you comment a lot and i see you never warn anyone about spoilers in your comments. just because you hated it does not mean you need to ruin it for everybody else. grow up.

not really? like if you know a story will end in a happy ending - is that a spoiler? no! it's not. cause you don't know the way of the ending or how they get there etc.. so it's not a spoiler even if you try really hard to say that knowing a story has a sad ending or happy ending - it's too general to be a spoiler.
here the definition for you spoiler: information about the plot of a motion picture or TV program that can spoil a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense.
if I'm going according to definition then knowing a story will have a happy ending or sad ending will not really ruin the sense of surprise or suspense, again cause you can still feel surprised and suspense from the plot and how to get there. the same I can say about cliches in stories - it a ready set of a plot that will repeat itself over and over again until there is nothing to be surprised or feel suspense over it - cause you already read 100 plots with the same cliches, there is no room to be different then this cliche. and even if you try to stop yourself from thinking about this cliche.
again knowing who the ML does not " spoiling the entire plot" this is dumb if that what you claim. even if you know who the ML is you still don't know how they will get there - and THAT is the problem with this story! HOW they got there what dumb, bad writing, and the worst way possible!! she need to forgive and forget he rape her and come back to him - again cause she have ZERO choice in the matter cause bs plot and god wants this.

if you read the second half of my reply, you would see that still pertains to what you said at the end. y’all still spoil the plot in the comments because you complain about ruve with no warning. you mention everything he’s done, and facts that new readers wouldn’t know yet because new information is revealed later and you claim it to be part of the “bad writing”. and it can be, but it’s still a spoiler regardless.
and reading a book and finding out how the ending is going to go is still a spoiler... what? you’re twisting the definiton. if you’re reading a book and you have no idea how it’s going to end and someone tells you the mcs are going to marry and be happy... that’s the textbook definiton of a spoiler. it “ruins your sense of surprise”. the same thing pertains to finding out who mc ends up with. to say everyone knew she was gonna end up with the ml was false, because why would anyone root for anyone else. at one point, most people were concluding that she would end up with carsein and were saying he was the ml.
and go back and read my last reply... after reading yours it seems like either you didn’t even read mine, or you can’t defend yourself because you haven’t made a single rebuttal that has basically anything to do with what i’ve said there. you’re just repeating yourself again and again...

stop bitching while knowing that I'm right! and people have all the right to complain about what they want in the comments section - stop trying to shut them up! if you don't like it, don't read the comments! and most of them do have werning since I did comment on those with a clear warning - stop saying BS! your lies are stupid.
I'm not twisting it, knowing a story has a happy/sad ending is not the same as known how you get to this ending you dumbass! I'm sick and tired of talking with idiots like you!
THERE IS NOTHING I NEED TO DEDENT MYSELF FROM!! since I didn't do anything wrong just cause you an idiot and don't know what the definition of spoilers means! this is your problem not anyone else! go learn what definitions means!

WARNING: spoiler
i'm bitching?? look how mad you're getting. stay calm. it's not this serious. nobody is trying to shut up people in the comments. i said if you're going to spoil something, put a WARNING. and don't lie! here's a piece of a comment of yours: "since you seem to skip that part - it has nothing to do with him being poisoned - he admits that he hated her from the very start and would have made her suffer either way so nope ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭" you saying that ruve was poisoned? that's a SPOILER, don't play dumb. it isn't discovered that ruve was poisoned until like 150+ chapters in the plot, so guess what. that's a spoiler. sorry you don't know what a spoiler is.
you can keep calling me names because you're wrong and embarrassing. a random stranger over the internet isn't going to offend me bc they can't accept the fact that they were wrong from the start. just cause you're the idiot here doesn't mean you need to deflect on me. that's sad. there's literally proof of you not marking your comments as spoilers. that's LITERALLY a spoiler, stupid. you ruined a surprise plot element for someone.
and LOOK! "black haired girl come back to this 2 time to revenge on "shitty prince" that left her in the 1 time line. but it turns out she help the nobles to hurt the prince and her to remove all of them together and get rid of them once and for all - like a double agent. in the end she could make a wish to the god, and she made a wish to save the dumb FL. but by doing so she lost her power to heal others and was doomed to wander the world all alone. in another word, she was fuck up cause she saves the dumb FL and gets the worse ending ever!" another spoiler of yours. damn stupid lmao. claiming you warned your comments when you literally don't. just own up to your mistakes and move on, kid.
Its weird how people who knew the spoilers from the very beginning are here complaining about the ending? I thought y'all dropped it??