Ngl, Vasya is mostly an asshole in this Manhwa, Yuno's cousin is 100% a dick, and Yuno is ...

Archii April 19, 2021 11:18 am

Ngl, Vasya is mostly an asshole in this Manhwa, Yuno's cousin is 100% a dick, and Yuno is too scared of Vasya for his own good, like c'mon Yoon, stand up for yourself for once. He should've threaten Vasya when he hired Chris or something. Vasya likes you Yoon, you should've take that as an advantage to not let him control and be too possessive over you now-_-

    Archii April 19, 2021 11:21 am

    *tried to kill Chris NOT "hired". Jesus Christ this typo and btw CHRIS IS THE ONLY SANE CHARACTER IN THIS MANHWA ISTG