All you said were virtually conditioned, weren't true experiences. Is like saying what characters of a fictional book goes through is true. I mean, it needs to match a concept of reality, so yeah, leaning towards an specific concept we, ourselves, could be unreal, our reality may not exist.
They are not living beings, in the biology concept, if so, computer virus could (and should) be considered living beings. Their memories were also man-made, their way of thinking is conditioned by those memories (if someone cleaned our memories the way we act, our choices and our thoughts wouldbe different. and since their memories were programmed their actions are predisposed to happen in a certain way, the new experiences they have also affect on it, but it all is made.
We could put it on our world and notice how empathy is needed so you can actually think (don't only focuses on your experience, emotions and rationality)
Well, what I mean is, they aren't biologically living, their memories are fake, their new actions are conditioned, they are created, what they live is not a live, not even for sociology. They are mostly like tests of probabilities.

My friends say that I should create a religion or something because nothing really matches with what I believe or how I believe or how much it matter and when it matters. Lol.
thats the kind of conversation I have with one of my closest friends, she's addicted to philosophy and I like to doubt everything in a way too serious way to be safe (but whatever)
as I said whatever answer we give, we needs to match a concept of reality. We think that we are living and what we know for sure is true (say hi to Newton and his laws) but if we don't have an outsider point of view, something not human who can communicate with us and prove that what our brain is processing is the actual thing, how can we be so sure that what we see is real?or is the truth?
What if what we think of as universe (infinity and expanding) is only a small part of the whole? Aren't we just like the old Vikings in the east Europe, then? We don't even imagine the existence of the rest of the continent, how could we think about other places in earth, other places in our solar system.
We may have the right answers for the right questions. But those answers and questions are only right based on what we know. But what if what we know is the piece that is wrong in all this.
So yeah even we may not be real, we could be in their place right now, we could be exactly them. But then it goes for what we accept, acknowledge, suppose as real. Everything goes with conditions. We may already have the answers for questions like "how the universe begun?" but we don't accept it as true because even for the most faithful believer it sounds purely insane. Or it may be something so out of all our lines to understand the creation... Or self creation, maybe the universe is a living being and we are like parasites.
Let's just pretend that we know something for sure and let the others believe that the prove we got for some stuff is irrefutable. I like to believe that one day we will be able to be sure of something. In all the concepts and areas of knowledge.
If you haven't read it yet, read with the 1st op and Ed of owari no seraph. Trust me. It match
I'm so angry! First, I'm the stupid Lil thing who fell in love with Haruki, stacked with him through the whole Manga. Second: they wasn't even real! You know how bad I felt? I'm so mad.
i love Haruki, I freaking love him, seeing the he didn't have attention (by the author) and seeing that the ones that were by his side were only for obligation... Ah, while Sion really loves Kazuki, Gara only cared for him because he was told to. kirito... We doesn't even know anything about him! The Queen left him. His rock didn't work with him. Both pawns, Rika and Yuki, we're with Kazuki and Kazuki himself seemed to forgot about Haruki so many times.
Haruki is bae, he was created to take care of Kazuki, and even tho he didn't really want to kill anyone (the first 5 chapters! Please!!) he had to, because he was programmed for that.
At least the biological bomb project was ended.
BUT I'M STILL MAD! Is Haruki's full happiness and being loved too much to ask? I hope those last pages meant that they lived virtually happily ever after. And didn't reborn.