Is this the generic harem manga? Or does it not have harem? CoZ if it doesn't have harem t...

Dyna April 19, 2021 6:44 am

Is this the generic harem manga? Or does it not have harem? CoZ if it doesn't have harem then i'll read it

    akaifudo April 19, 2021 7:28 am

    There isn't really a harem there's definitely 1 female that likes him and a childhood friend that he's close to like a sister that has had his back since they were children

    l3ear April 19, 2021 7:36 am

    It depends on your definition of a harem? If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story, then yes. If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story due to plot reasons, but not necessarily falling obsessed with the MC and then performing multiple cliche incidents with the MC, then no.

    l3ear April 19, 2021 7:38 am
    It depends on your definition of a harem? If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story, then yes. If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story due to plot reasons, but not necessaril... l3ear

    If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story due to plot reasons, but falling obsessed with the MC and then performing multiple cliche incidents with the MC, then no. *

    Minor correction: I removed the "not necessarily".

    l3ear April 19, 2021 7:39 am
    Edit: If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story due to plot reasons, but falling obsessed with the MC and then performing multiple cliche incidents with the MC, then no. *Minor correction: I re... l3ear

    Ok not minior correction in my wording, major correction:

    If it constitutes a bunch of females coming into the story, falling obsessed with the MC and then performing multiple cliche incidents with the MC, then no. *

    Most of the females come into the story due to plot reasons.

    Dyna April 19, 2021 7:54 am

    Got it