There was so much potential

Rclevel655 April 19, 2021 6:27 am

It’s been a few days since I read the final chapter and I still can’t believe it’s over already. I’m not saying I’m ungrateful because the story was good, I just feel empty, like the meal was unsatisfying.

Firstly, I feel like we hardly saw Evan use his power which is essentially the plot. It would have been really cool to actually see him have his future seeing moments more often rather than hearing him say that he saw it happen (as we saw in later chapters).

Secondly, introducing a second couple in that short amount of time took away from building and developing the main couple (don’t get me wrong I like the dynamics between Martin and Andy).

This definitely could have used more chapters to really build on Chris overcoming his past trauma and the trust built between him and Evan to be able to even get back into those sexual practices, as well as showing that Andy accepts his sexuality and feelings for Martin. It just seemed rushed that suddenly Andy liked him when it was clear he despised him. Maybe having a flashback of the moment where he began to be hateful towards same sex couples, just so we can learn a little more about his character and see why he’s so reluctant to accept his own sexuality.
