If so please help meh. I have to do a research paper on Animal Genetics and like what am I...

Ace April 19, 2021 5:36 am

If so please help meh. I have to do a research paper on Animal Genetics and like what am I supposed to search animal genetic pros and cons I dunno I feel dumb now. Although I've done a research for her class before but animal Genetics is such a hard topic for me like I needa type up one whole paper about the pros of animal genetics and a whole other paper of animal genetic cons plus I have to think of a few good questionsplease help me intellectuals out there

    Atthy April 19, 2021 5:41 am

    there is a lot of research about animal genetics you can base some from people's research and try finding the pros and cons of it

    beep.beep.beech April 19, 2021 6:24 am

    Maybe you can take about crossbreeding or the morality on experiencing on animal/their genetics (and how it can help lead research in human genetics?) Depends what kind of branch of science the paper is for, but I wish you luck!

    SayerSong April 19, 2021 6:53 am

    Start with dogs. As cliche as it sounds, it is a good starting off point for comparisons. Dogs used to be like wolves in that there were no special breeds originally. And due to that, they were quite hale and hearty. People suddenly got the idea to start breeding them for specific "traits," creating different breeds. This lead to inbreeding and overbreeding and then to what we now call "purebreeds" that, truth be told, are anything but. And with it came MANY pros (such as some dogs being better hunters, and other being faster runners, etc.) and MANY cons (namely in the form of health issues. For example, long dogs are more apt to develop bad backs). So while "mutts" (who are actually closer to original dogs), don't have most of the "pros" that "purebreed" dogs have, the also don't have most of the cons either, making that, in and of itself a pretty big pro.

    Basically, you can show how human's manipulating animal genetics can be both a boon and a determent. Look at what we have done to cows, chickens, geese, turkeys, etc. There are farmers that fed sheep brains to cows, triggering mad cow disease, because they didn't check the sheep for illnesses first. There is the research we have used animals for based on how close we thought their genetics may be to humans or because we thought it might have similar effects. Another thought is how their genetics have played in discovering new scientific breakthroughs (like Dolly the Sheep and cloning). How theiy genetic structure has changed in areas with high radiation levels, like Chernobyl. SO many different takes that you can go with. Food, science, breeding, gene-manipulation. Find one you like and start counter-arguing the facts for both papers. Because once you know what you want the main focus to be, you can start narrowing your search from there.