Art Student

SonOfAnEgg April 19, 2021 4:20 am

As a current art student in college, critiques can be really fucking brutal and school in general. If you don’t push yourself enough you’ll get called out on it; even if you like one of your pieces sometimes you can find yourself wondering is it even good enough? Do I actually have something to say in the world or is everything I do too superficial right now? Am I mentally able to delve deeper and find new ways to approach things? It can be really hard trying to dig into your mind and get out of habits you’ve built.

Additionally, yes, sometimes there are assholes who think they’re the best (and they might seem to be at times, but most times they’re overconfident dicks who can’t take compliments or criticism) but there are a lot of honest and nice people too. There’s a wide range of people and what I love most is being able to see everyone else’s approach and voice in their work. We all have vastly different narratives and come from different backgrounds and it’s really great to see what we each want to say with every piece we create.

I really enjoy what I’m doing and sometimes I fucking hate it and just cry; maybe I’m a masochist but it’s the best type of pain to me because it helps push my work further. It’s great and it’s terrible but it’s everything I could want right now.

Anyway, I’m a huge sap right now and if anyone is considering art YOU SHOULD! It’s so amazing and wonderful and you shouldn’t be afraid to fail because you’ll surprise yourself with how much you have to give! Okay I’ll shut up now if you read all this have a good night (morning? Whatever it may be)

    grassyfruit April 19, 2021 4:50 am

    I just thought i'd let u know that this made me happy and more confident in my decision to pursue art so thank you!!

    SonOfAnEgg April 19, 2021 5:35 am
    I just thought i'd let u know that this made me happy and more confident in my decision to pursue art so thank you!! grassyfruit

    Aww man I’m so happy for you! You got this!! I wish you luck on your path :’) never be afraid to pursue what you want and continue growing

    faded April 19, 2021 11:40 am

    as a fellow art student i did not realise how rough they are w u after u get into college. u just really have to push through it and it can destroy you but u know at some point itll be worth it

    Namjoom April 19, 2021 10:12 pm

    I’m still in middle school about to be in high school but see comments and reading this manga makes me really want to prude art

    Alex April 28, 2021 1:11 am

    I really love this comment. I’m considering minoring in art and I was really iffy about it because I haven’t picked up a pencil or brush in so long... but this comment really helped (: