I wish the main couple would be the focus again and that Yeonwoo starts using his brain

IWantFood0_ April 18, 2021 8:10 pm

I wish the main couple would be the focus again and that Yeonwoo starts using his brain

    milk April 19, 2021 6:21 am

    Y there so much shade dayum- y'all had a whole season, 65 eps, of the main couple

    Tai April 19, 2021 5:02 pm

    they are not the main couple anymore. s2 isnt one long side story, its another focus on a different couple. this IS the main couple for s2. (i notice alot more comics are doing this lately, Mr 100% Perfect and Sweet Dream also did/are doing this. s2 = a diff couple that is loosely connected to the one in s1). i think its a good way to keep a webtoon going without needlessly stretching out the first couple's story past the point it needs to. perhaps s3 will return its focus to the first couple or split time equally between the two. but yeah, until s2 is over u will not be getting focus back on taehee/dohyun.

    IWantFood0_ April 19, 2021 6:22 pm

    For the sake of reference it's easier to use main and side couple. My point is, that the characters could've had so much potential, but here we are, another unexplained toxic seme with his questionable, naive uke. I'm slightly worried by the amount this trope happens, as it downplays straight-up abuse and toxic relationships.
    My thoughts on that.

    Tai April 19, 2021 6:35 pm
    For the sake of reference it's easier to use main and side couple. My point is, that the characters could've had so much potential, but here we are, another unexplained toxic seme with his questionable, naive u... IWantFood0_

    taehwan is way more than just Toxic, and Yeonwoo isnt naive at all. he knows full well what he's set himself up for but he's enjoying the sex. having casual sex with smeone u have a crush on but know isnt into you at all, isnt the smartest life choice but yw is very young and very horny and ultimately taehwan's main problem is that he's being disrespectful. (altho he has his moments of softness). at the end of the day the situation between them is quite complicated.
    as for potential, the issue with the main couple is their story was always very simple, most of the forward action in s1 was moved my events occuring outside of the couple. i enjoyed s1, but in order to continue first couple's story they need to add more obstacles more conflict, so the choices are introduce new interpersonal conflicts that werent rly present in s1 OR put new external obstacles in their way. dealing with say coming out to his family is one concern taehee has to deal with that could cause issues but also that presumes he's that invested in being out to them (and we didnt rly get an indication he was?) basically im all for more of s1 couple if the author has any actual stories for them cause idk how many eps of nothing happening but cute fluff i can take before boredom takes over. i feel like there's enough details and differences with yw and th that separates their story from the typical cliche plotline/trope u are describing but well to each their own. (not saying u cant prefer s1 couple or dislike s2 couple i jsut disagree with ur read on them and also dont see s2 as some weird diversion from the original couple's plot cause arc of s1 was concluded quite neatly)

    milk April 20, 2021 2:48 am

    U can also see that yw is actually quite perceptive as he gives good advice to the main couple which doesn't rlly play into the naive trope. Th also has experienced lots of trauma which, although it doesn't excuse his actions towards yw, u kinda have to sympathize w him. Plus, yw kinda betrayed his trust when they were in highschool by non-con touching him while th was asleep which triggered past trauma. Yw, although it might not have seemed like a sincere apology given the time he had to do so, he feels genuinely remorseful for the things he's done. Th doesn't see it that way bc of everything that happened in the past (sexual harassment, some little racist shits tryna feed him a live frog, his best friend and fellow outcast betraying him, etc). You'll c as their relationship progresses that th is a good person and yw isn't a naive sub, assuming that u won't drop this lmao

    IWantFood0_ April 20, 2021 8:36 am

    I see what you mean, it does make sense. It's just kind of not my cup of tea, as it is tiring to see the whole process they're going through (at least it's realistically depicted that character development and healing from trauma takes time and effort)