
flies April 3, 2016 11:12 pm

I have an essay I need to urgently finish and I have approximate 12 words written down. Why must distractions and worldly fun exist?;?!? My grades have already dug a too deep of a hole for me to get out (/TДT)/ I'm gonna die and end up futureless for the rest of my life

Please, any recommendations for younger seme and older uke manga? I'm in the mood (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    unorigional April 3, 2016 11:18 pm

    Baby I love you, Yami ni Tooboe Mune ni Toge, Homade Vampire.

    unorigional April 3, 2016 11:18 pm


    flies April 3, 2016 11:30 pm
    AND DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! unorigional

    I assure you I some point tmrr...i am best at cramming after all. Thxs for the rec

    unorigional April 3, 2016 11:40 pm

    I am doing well in my classes...except english I have a C in it D: and after doing my work I have nothing to do then that is when I devour yaoi :D

    flies April 4, 2016 12:01 am
    I am doing well in my classes...except english I have a C in it D: and after doing my work I have nothing to do then that is when I devour yaoi :D unorigional

    Lol you better bring that grade up, a C is a canon blast to your GPA. I read yaoi first, worry about minor problems like hw later, it far...

    unorigional April 4, 2016 12:08 am

    My Curriculum GPA right now is 3.180 so its better than last year!!! :D

    flies April 4, 2016 12:16 am
    My Curriculum GPA right now is 3.180 so its better than last year!!! :D unorigional

    I'm actually scare for your last year GPA... at least it's not below 3.0...yet (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ but who am I to talk lol, I'm too scare to find out my gpa

    unorigional April 4, 2016 12:27 am

    I had a really bad last year my friend was doing bad and I was doing bad some bad stuff happened...she cut herself and I was forced to watch it once and she was drinking doing drugs and refused to tell me what happened she even ran away and got raped by a 22 year old guy even though she wanted it. -_- and I remember some bad stuff that happened to me as a kid getting hit in public and alot of other things and then the sister I never met committed suicide and my dad started to drink and smoke heavily and talk about suicide and everyone around me started talking about suicide my mom my dad my other sister my friend. Then I found out my friend who was cutting herself, well her mother was getting beat up by her boyfriend and she had to listen to it every night. Then my mother said I wasnt worth the books that I read because I got a bad grade in physical science. I also got abandoned in the middle of the night outside of town during homecoming season where if you get caught by highschoolers you can get kidnapped or tied to stuff like railroad tracks or posts and I was injured because I fell down a ditch so I had to find a way home even though it was like a 2 miles away. And also during homecoming a boy asked me to dance with him on a dare ....he got like 15 bucks for it. SO yeah my grades were kinda bad.

    flies April 4, 2016 3:01 am
    I had a really bad last year my friend was doing bad and I was doing bad some bad stuff happened...she cut herself and I was forced to watch it once and she was drinking doing drugs and refused to tell me what ... unorigional

    No. No, I can't :'( I had a friend who cut herself and I did nothing but gave her a bandage. What a human to do when it's not my business to interfere? Is your friend doing fine now? You have to introduce her to yaoi or something, keep her mind occupy from all those bad stuff. Gotta give it to you, still breathing and all. If ppl say you're not worth it then smack them shtless and run and later in life, shove your accomplishments into their faces and see how much worth they're gonna call you. I've never gone to a dance for this reasons, I wouldn't have made it back 2 miles, have a better chance digging my own grave. Perhaps too much humanly contacts and trust on other ppl? Do u still trust ppl? Can you still trust ppl after all of that? Do you WANT to? It's not necessary to interact with physical humans in my opinion, its safer to stay behind the safety and comfort of the screen where this whole community supports you and sht like that. Perhaps your mother calls you worthless because she dont want you to turn out like those ppl who do not care for their future? Have you told her exactly how much the books you read cost (≧∨°) tell her its worth all the stars in this fcking galaxy and that her daughter is worth more than all the...uh...galaxies in this universe(?) does that makes sense?. Not gonna get into the depression and suicide subject because I tend to get passionate and no one wanna see that, but don't let yourself fall into the same snake pit as those around you bro, surely there other other things to occupy time because believe it or not #yaoiSaveLives, I mean it saved mine lol. But no worries, if the account unoriginal go missing for a while and no recently read mangas are on her dashboard, I'd be sure to hack into the sys and track down your last login ip address location, a bit illegal but I'm sure it's fine--- Jk. I was jk. Joking. Joking. Really. Joking.

    unorigional April 4, 2016 3:45 am

    Lol its ok that was last year...but shits still hitting the fan this year to I've just gotten better at dealing with everything. But because of the crazy stuff from when I was young i think it caused me to be graysexual a form of asexual. And now I feel a little stronger I'm trying harder to get good grades to leave my house in like 2 years and go off to live at college. And about trusting people..........Idk it's all a little shaky. I used to never really trust anyone except my friend and then she changed so much and it screwed me up because she was the only one there for me and I thought I would be willing to die for her because she was the only person I felt that gave a crap about me and I learned that was not true. She was one of the people that left me 2 miles outside of town. And I've been sorta used to being thought of as worthless because it was always sorta implied at my sister was loved more because she was successful in school even thought she was kind of a delinquent she got a tattoo and other stuff.

    unorigional April 4, 2016 3:52 am

    Now im trying to deal with my parents because they havent been doing well. They havent slept in the same room for 5 years and have been getting worse. It feels like they only stay together because they have me left in the house. My sister left as soon as she could. It's sorta a rule that if your 18 and not in school or have a job your out in this house. We may lose the house to but we managed to get a lawyer to help us but we need to pay him and with all the medical bills and debts that are on us were having alot of money problems. My sister got a boyfriend to pay for some of her college but it was still alot of money it was a 4 year private college and were still tight on cash because of it and everything else. So I have to get a job as soon as possible if I want to go to college and I will be lucky if I can even go. I want at least a 2 year tec college for web design or advertisement. Im trying to focus ore on school and not worry about the other shiz falling down around me so I can get out of here but....I have to get to college and leave my cats here and I do not want that my cats now are kinda the most important thing to me nowadays, but my friend, I dont think shes considering suicide anymore so!

    unorigional April 4, 2016 3:57 am

    I really dont have to worry so much about my mom losing it anymore she's sorta regained a little bit of herself lately. She seems a little more lucid I think. But my dad is drinking more and more and is pissed more and more sooo..... I dont think he has it in him to do anything bad but Idk he was never in the house alot when I was younger and my mom and sister were hurting me so Idk who he really is.

    unorigional April 4, 2016 4:12 am

    But its ok I still have the internet and a computer that sorta works....its slowly dying on me....though......... So I will lose it once my computer dies :D ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But not before then.

    unorigional April 4, 2016 4:18 am

    Oh and I am forcing myself to go to prom this year to I am refusing to give up even though I realllllllllllllllllllllllllly wanna. I am 16 I am crazy unhinged come from a bad crazy ass background like white and blue and I still plan to fight and I wanna win!!!! I will get a better life for myself even if I have to build it myself from the ground up!!!

    flies April 4, 2016 4:20 am
    Lol its ok that was last year...but shits still hitting the fan this year to I've just gotten better at dealing with everything. But because of the crazy stuff from when I was young i think it caused me to be g... unorigional

    Aw too bad I really wanna test my hands at tracking down ip addresses lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. Jk. I'm glad then, sht can hit the fan but if you managed to fix it once, u can always fix it again right? Okay stopping the my nerdy, mechanic life quotes lol. I used to think I was only attracted to anime guys...probably worse than being graysexual I assure you. But good thing for ppl like us who dont wanna be attracted to others, we judge base on personalities not the amount of $$$ the watch that person is wearing cost. Maybe u being through all that sht gave u a better insight on who to trust,( I'm trusting nobody except for my pillow, no fckibg body can compete), I honestly stopped caring about what ppl think of me because guess who's gonna stand at the top of the tower later, not you. Literally make that your life motto and guarantee success(≧∀≦) bet you your friend got manipulated and lured into abandoning you. Perhaps for a gram of weed? Because no one would spend so long bonding a relationship just to throw it aside, its a lot of commitment and time wasted. That..or she was using you for her benefit then I have no words. Your sister represent the fact that one is allow to do anything once they prove to everyone they could shove an all A report card up anyone's..but u don't wanna be too successful because they're gonna go after your paycheck later in life instead and that just backfires :p

    unorigional April 4, 2016 4:26 am

    And the greatest thing is after all that and everything still going on I havent tried to commit suicide nor have i really gotten close I havent done drugs smoked drink alcohol gotten a tattoo excessive piercings ( I only have my ears pierced normal piercings) I havent tried selling drugs either, I havent stolen or done anything illegal....(except sticky noting the front door of my highschool in the summer while wearing a cape) and I dont plan to do any of that! There was one time I wondered if getting drunk would get rid of the pain but then I thought of my dad and it did not work for him so why would it work for me and I know I will have to live with this pain forever it's better for me to learn to shoulder it then try to drink it away which wont work and will probably make the pain worse. Nor have I given up my virginity....not that I can do that though cause its a scary thought because I am graysexual. Soooo!!! tada thats my crazy ass situation now Im going to get my tortilla because its beeping in the microwave!

    flies April 4, 2016 4:29 am
    Oh and I am forcing myself to go to prom this year to I am refusing to give up even though I realllllllllllllllllllllllllly wanna. I am 16 I am crazy unhinged come from a bad crazy ass background like white and... unorigional

    I'd avoid any social gatherings as much as I can. Wait you're a sophomore then, interesting (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    unorigional April 4, 2016 4:30 am
    I'd avoid any social gatherings as much as I can. Wait you're a sophomore then, interesting (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ flies


    flies April 4, 2016 4:34 am
    Now im trying to deal with my parents because they havent been doing well. They havent slept in the same room for 5 years and have been getting worse. It feels like they only stay together because they have me ... unorigional

    Ah, it always rotate around the money as always, same for me, cant even pick a major because everything just cost too much, what's the point of all these good grades if I have to pay in the end ( ̄へ ̄)I'm pretty sure once money is back to its stable state in your fam, everyone will be happy again, ppl stress out easily you know. Fragile human minds. Hm..u could always ask for federal college money and take classes while working but sounds painful.

    unorigional April 4, 2016 4:36 am
    Ah, it always rotate around the money as always, same for me, cant even pick a major because everything just cost too much, what's the point of all these good grades if I have to pay in the end ( ̄へ ̄)... flies

    I'm taking a college credit class and my school is paying for it right now...I have a B- in it!!! It was like 300 dollars soooo yea I took it!!!