This manga really pissed me off I felt no love. The sex scenes were terrible. And I really...

callisto April 3, 2016 8:51 pm

This manga really pissed me off I felt no love. The sex scenes were terrible. And I really didnt like the personality of the main protagonist. This is probably annoying just reading about me rambling on about how I didn't like this manga. My favorite character was the side character that showed up from America to bring him back.

    cheeky April 3, 2016 9:44 pm

    Haha I agree.well even her previous works are the same.its just like a food,colorful and beautifully presented but has no taste at all.too bad :-('such a waste

    callisto April 3, 2016 10:38 pm
    Haha I agree.well even her previous works are the same.its just like a food,colorful and beautifully presented but has no taste at all.too bad :-('such a waste cheeky

    So true and Such a great comparison.